art type bit: where i show you some stuff i might have drawn, but probably nicked from far superior sites. for all you know. you................. person.
Banksy is some guy who does really cool graffiti using stencils.
Keith Haring was a really good graffiti style artist who died of aids a while ago, this thing is one of my favourites of his things.
M.C. Escher, he might be still alive im not sure, but he is undoubtably the master of messing with perspective, and your brain, heres two of his wacked pictures!
lovely freaky dotty shite hurts your brain, isnt really art but is pretty.
i used to have this big calvin and hobbes book, i used to read it all the time, then i forgot about them. so here they are. if you get the chance, read some of thier comic stuff. its dead comic. really. its true.