Mises economics
Peswiki Gary North-Christian Economics
Good Clean Tech Ecogeek Futurist Magazine
Inhabitat Rocky Mountains Institute
Energy bulletin
Jetson green
The street car scandle.
Save the planet Sustainablog
Wesley Bruce.
I have many diverse interests some of which may at first seem a strange mix. There in logic in my interests, I hope.

My interests' are chronological:
I'm exploring the past of the biblical creation, Noahs flood and the spread of peoples and languages from the tower of Babel.

The present of  Cold Fusion, other modern technology,  Sustainability and Role Playing.

I'm diving into the future in this life though Science Fiction, Space Colonisation, Virtual reality

and into the far future the next life Via theology and heavenology.
A Stanford Torus interior. Image from Living in Space By Peter Smoulders.
What is a Vacoy Ecology? The Vacoy are my own brand of alien creatures. An exploration of exobiology. An asteroid belt ecology of living spacecraft and habitats. Planets are for wimps! 
Read and see more.
The most important Links are:
Creation Ministeries International
Answers in Genesis
Essays on creation and theology
Tas Walker's Biblical Geology
Christian Economics and Politics
Creation research society
Cold fusion energy and technology
Insitute for creation research
Tools for the future: Transport, housing, etc
Geoscience Research Institute
The Robots are coming! Are you ready for them?
Hardware, software, Cool stuff and some concerns.
World Wide Flood
A possible link between cold fusion and the origins debate.
Permaculture Magazine
Fun and games:
Works of fiction.
Permaculture Institute
Steve jackson Games
Capitalist environmentalism?
It actually works. Profitable sustainability.
My Role Playing and Miniatures pages
Property and environment. The search for new tools.
Free Market Environmentalism.  With a touch of climate skepticism.
My blog
Rocky mountains institute: Negawatts
Facter 10: increasing the level of benifit per unit of resources per person
In case you what to contact me,
I live in canberra Australia:
Future Options:
Farming the seas and making a home on the other 70% of the planets surface.
Sea Steading how to make a house that weathers the storm.
Ride above sea level rise.
Space: room to move, room to expand, room to diversify.
Living space for 100 billon or more.
National Space Society
Mars society:
And did I mention cold fusion?
Other Fusion and energy technologies.
Focus Fusion
Bio-fuels from algae.
1. 3.
A. B.
Down draft energy towers
They produce Energy and fresh water in the desert
How much energy? Huge numbers. Huge potential.
General Compression: Peak demand wind power.
Motorwind: Very Cheap urban wind power.
Global renewable energy potential.
Go to the top of the popup page and run through the energy resources.
The problem in Australia. Is that the party that can implement real change, the Liberals,  wont and those that want to implement real change, Labour, Greens etc, may try using policies, subsidies, etc, that may give us good technology but block the best technology and may crash the economy in the process.
See Guy Pearse's book on the problem.