The Story of a Humble Priest

Vacred was born and raised near Zhentil Keep. Not always on his best behavior according to the standards of the area, he tended to get himself into trouble, especially when he questioned the ruthless tactics of his superiors.

Reaching the age when he must set out on his own, he decided to go to the City of Splendors to see the priests of Lathander and to seek a new beginning. Always being drawn to the dawn and fascinated by creation, he thought at least he would be able to work in the Spires of the Morning temple to earn his keep. After being there for a while he made the decision to become a priest, although his superiors there had doubts of their own about Vacred.

Vacred had some troubles early on in his priestly life and sidetracked himself with supposed loves of his life. After two failed relationships he rededicated himself to the things he knew to be right and went back to helping others wherever he could.

He travelled the Realms for a time attempting to learn all he could of his faith and his god. He travelled to all of his lord's temples, gleaning what he could and passing on what he had learned. But, as much as he learned he felt that he was still a failure when it came to converts. He could talk to others about his faith in Lathander but he seemed to lack the charisma to lead others to his deity.

Sadly, or perhaps for the best, one day he simply vanished into the Undermountain never to be seen again.

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