welcome to vadisworld portal at http://vadis.tk or http://www.oocities.org/vadisworld.

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recent site update: july 2, 2007

vadis main websites


vadis main site. it's an e-zine containing news, reviews, photos and pictures, infos, videos, events, fun stuffs even free mp3 ringtones and interesting links. the blog section is in vadis blogspot


| http://vadis.multiply.com | http://vadisworld.blogspot.com | vadis friendster blog |



vadis gallery sites, containing images, artworks and photos including vadis' own cartoons, 

artworks, design portfolios and sketches. galleries at deviantart, flickr, and photobucket 


| http://vadis.deviantart.com | photobucket | flickr gallery1 | flickr gallery2 |

vadis' special projects


vadis' special project: fireheart saga fantasy novel excerpts, artworks, also a novelblog dedicated to fantasy-fiction. also contains reviews of fantasy works, games, cartoons and artwork gallery


| http://fireheart.tk | http://fireheart-vadis.blogspot.com | http://fireheartsaga.multiply.com |


vadis' special project: skins for use in getamped - online fighting game

also an official site of kick ass inc. / martial world project by vadis


| http://kickassinc.blogspot.com | skins in geocities | skins in angelfire | http://www.getamped.org |

news and sub-sections of vadis website


accell.go.mobile - the blog containing guides and infos about cellular phones and operators in indonesia for locals and foreigners alike. also contains free mp3 ringtones, cellphone wallpapers


| http://accell-vadis.blogspot.com | http://www.oocities.org/accenterprise/accell |


the news section of vadis website, containing newsletters from vadis mainsite,

mailing lists, community clubs, news central, literature, hobby and other sources


| http://rosta-masta.blogspot.com | http://vadisnews.blogspot.com |

friends, communities and vadis interactive 


fireheart-vadis mailing list community, gathering new and old friends talking about hobbies,

movies, music, sports, games, literature, gadgets, fun stuff and news from vadis sites 


| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/fire-heart | http://www.fanfiction.net/~vadis |

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(c)reated 2004, 2006, 2007 vadis creative productions - private use only
