Vae Solis

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Ayla's Cave

Vae Solis
The Vae Solis website has moved, please click on any of the links in the menu or here to go to the new site.

Site last updated: 12th SEPTEMBER 2000
Next Gig: 5th November @ The FireFest (Bradford)

Join the Vae Solis Mailing List by clicking here to mail us your email address if you have Outlook, or by emailing with the subject title of "MailingList" if you don't.

"...and the young man was granted his escape from the terrible pain and torment, on the condition that he complete the tasks set before him by the Goddess.
The path would be lengthy, uphill, and laced with evil.. but the boy was assisted by a 'holy albatross' that gave him the incarnation of a divine mortal.
And so a new angel was born.. driven by the engine of human love, yet bound by the 'flaw' of it. His mind so beaten by the past, that his body became to him just a series of empty caves... But from beneath the heaviest rocks of the blackest of caves, would emerge a darkness that would shine brightly. However only in our minds... without any reflections of natural light....."

CD's, tapes, minidiscs, and any other information required are available on request.



This site designed and created by Ayla