.::.About me.::.
I'll tell you a little something about moi :)
Where To Go


Celeb Portraits








About Oekaki

About me

Contact me
All pictures on this site are
(c) by Roos Blokker
Steal anything and I'll have to kill you :)
Well here we go then :)
I'm an 18 year old girl from the Netherlands, studying Psychology. Moved out this year and very much liking it!

So obviously, I love to draw :) I like drawing with a pencil about as much as drawing with Oekaki. I can't remember when I first started using Oekaki though. I love reading, doing random stuff on the computer, watching tv, and listening to music.
What can I say? Music is my life. I can't imagine a life without music. My favourite band
ever is Lifehouse. They play alternative rock music. Thats basically what I listen to: alternative rock. But, I like the occasional gothic rock, punkrock, softrock, hardrock or whatever as well ^^
Lifehouse is and will always remain the main band in my life. I have seen them twice in concert, and I met them once afterwards. They are the best guys in the world, and their music is breathtaking. If you like alternative music, you should really check them out.
Another band I absolutely adore is
HIM, a finnish band. They kick ass as well! I think I've been a fan of theirs for about half a year now and I'm completely obsessed XD Like with Lifehouse, I spend half my lifetime on their messageboard! Their singer, Ville Valo, is one of the most gorgeous men out there, hopefully this explains why I draw him so much ;)

Other bands that I like are, in random order:
3 Doors Down (they rock in concert)
Matchbox 20 (was supposed to see them in concert, but 1. their tickets sold out, and 2. their show got cancelled)  
Foo Fighters        
Good Charlotte
Coldplay (you just have to love those guys)
Evanescence (they remind me of a dutch band called Within Temptation)
John Mayer (his music is wonderful.. )
Linkin Park (yeah great music!!)
The Rasmus
The Darkness (glamrock baby!)
Saybia (love em!)
Savage Garden (heehee... yup, still love em)
The Calling

Okay, after this 'short' list, let me tell you a little more.

I love guinea pigs! Up till now I've had 5 of them, 4 of them who were related. My previous one, Charlie, died in March :S I still miss him very much, he was a lovely sweetheart :) Luckily I finally have a new piggy, Peanut. He's cuuuuute *hugs*

I used to be totally and utterly addicted to
Neopets, a virtual petsite. Luckily enough for my spare time, it kind of lost it touch and now I just visit it for the guild I'm in. Its an art guild and its great. The people there are just wonderful ^_^

Some random facts about me

* I go by the nickname of
* I have an addiction to dyeing my hair.
* Its currently dark purple
* I might dye it some bright color soon!
* Currently downloading: nothing
* Current musical addiction: HIM ^^
* Current amount of money on my bank account: €25 :( 
* Pinkpop rocked my socks!! Lifehouse was great XD
* I have blue eyes
* Coooold!
* I usually go to sleep at 2:00 am
* I am such a night person
* When I have to get up at 7 am, I feel like dying
* Luckily enough, I usually don't have to get up at 7 am XP
* I have two sisters
* One of them draws on Oekaki as well
* I want to be able to play the guitar!
* I just don't want to learn playing it XP
* I have an addiction to the Lifehouse and the HIM forums!
* I like watching Alias, Everwood, Gilmore Girls, Sex and the City, Will and Grace, Roseanne, Suddenly Susan, Veronica's Closet
* I love to sing
* My fav. colors are lightblue, purple and black
* I have an addiction to peppermint and liquirice (sp??)
* I don't have a boyfriend :(
* I need to draw more!!!
* I'm glad I finally got myself to put my piccies online
* Chocolate Chip Cookies are the best!!
* My fav. soda is Sprite
* I love randomness XD (does it show?
Charlie ^
Last update: Novembre 17th 2003
After you've taken a look at my art, would you please give me some feedback and sign my guestbook? Thank you so much!
^ Peanut!