Sweden as the least varied landscape of the Scandinavian countries. Suedes, as others sandinavians, hold nature in the highest regard. 




8,9 millions

Government Constitutional Monarchy
Capital Stockholm

swedish kronor ,1649 cn as of June 30 th 2002


Stockholm, Sweden's capital is spread over 14 islands on Lake Mälaren. It is undoubttedly one of the most beautiful capitals. Its old city well preserved is worth spending a whole day strolling around. Stockholm's city hall  hosts every year the Nobel prize banquets. One of the oldest's restored warship (dated back 1628) the Vasa can also be found just in the heart of the city in the Wasa museum .

Outside the capital, there is the historic waterway of the Göta canal that crosses the country from coast to coast, why not take a cruise aboard a canal steamer.

Sweden 's trademarks: 1628 Vasa ship in Stockholm,  the dala horse, the Nobel prize ceremony, Ikea


View of StockholmStockholm, Sweden






The royal warship Vasa The Vasa ship in Wasa Museum Stockholm







A street in the old town in Stockholm






Time to catch our night ferry that will take us across the Baltic to Finland's capital Helsinki.