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ensa the public archives.. dunno nothing yet Dharma ranting alt-cabbage tech Page modified on Sun Aug 21 2005 at 5:12:21am. webmeister
Welcome. Busiest section on this site currently... tech.

My more frequently maintained homepage can be found HERE. Contains more content and is PHP'd up - reccommended for anyone who wants to be (slightly) less dissapointed than you will be if you stay on this site...

Basically, this site is a statically generated version of my Zope powered site using content blocks designed for that server. Those guys offer free (no ads!) hosting for people who want to learn and contribute to Zope, which is what I'm doing. However, I got into web coding and needed something to do while their server was down, so ta-da!
I mainly build websites because I enjoy it, bit I will try to make any content useful and at least a little entertaining. Check it out if you're curious.

Wake up BEFORE you die, this time...

For an RSS feed of my sites point yournews aggregator
here.If you are using Firefox click the orange button in the bottom right hand corner for live bookmarks. If you are not using Firefox thentut tut... EVERONE is doing it nowadays you know...  
Search an index of websites compiled by HUMANS

Page modified on Sun Aug 21 2005 at 5:12:21am. Feel free to contact me to report broken links, suggest improvements, offer content, counselling, etc...

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