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  Last year while inside a cab on 6th Avenue on the way to Bryant Park, I was in my own little Gazelle world looking through some magazines when the taxi came to a traffic light. I remember lifting my head to look at what was going on around, then my eyes encountered this statuesque image in red, with giant hair, and heels to match. It was around maybe 2pm in the afternoon and that image was of Andre J crossing the street. He looked so powerful and yet fragile, as only truly beautiful things in this world are. I was so taken by his look that from inside the car I tried to imagine the scent he had on.
   In November of this year, Andre J took the fashion world by storm by appearing on the cover of French Voque Magazine (photo by Bruce Weber). If people had any doubts that he was here to stay, the magazine cover set aside any further doubt. From "V" magazine, to the Look Book by Amy Larocca of New York magazine, and the style pages of the New York Times newspaper, Andre J has been masterfully building his profile and making a name in the fashion world with a personal message of happiness and self-acceptance. His well kept trademark beard combined with a sharp and smart sense of styling has taken him ahead of the many bitchy fashionistas in a city where people take dressing up and personal appearance so seriously.
  Although I know him personally, I can't say that I know much about him, although one thing is certain; since the first time I have met Andre J, his energy and charisma is unwavering, he could still have been head of marketing at the Patricia Field store, hosting MAO parties, or presently impresario in clubs like Hiro or Lotus. He always has a true smile and warming sincere hello.
Andre J is a fierce New York muse !
Next? Perhaps the cover of Time magazine!?     -