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Welcome to Leyla's Dance online studio
About Leyla
About Classes
She was a 9-year-old girl with a dream. To become a professional ballerina.  She got her start 25 years ago at the Kazakhskiy Acadenicheskiy Theatre of Opera and Ballet,one of the most professional ballet schools in the country.
Leyla honed her skills and talents with help from some of the world's greatest ballet instructors:
- She studied with Natalia Dudinskaya and Tamara Kososva from Vaganova Ballet Academy in St. Petersburg, Russia.
- She worked with Vladimir Vasiliev and Ekaterina Maximova at Moscow's esteemed Kremlevsky Theater of Opera and Ballet where she was lead dancer for six years under the guidance of the great Andrey Petrov.
- Before coming to America in 1995, she spent two years as choreographer at Vakhtangov Theater and Ruben Simonov Theater in Moscow, Russia.
- In the US Leyla's career started from teaching master classes in Oakland Ballet School, Carmel Ballet Academy and working as a dances and choreographer at Teatro Zinzanni in Seatle  
Coming soon
My gallery
Gallery 1
Gallery 2
My lead performances
Please notice the pictures of my lead performances above
"Ruslan and Ludmila"
"Romeo and Juliet"
"The Nutcracker"
"Swan Lake"
"The fountain of Bakhchisaray"
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