Lust, Glutteny, Envy

I do not plan on making anymore updates to this site that would be for the community at large. This will turn into my own personal reference page for info that I need to write fan fics. As such, the update page has been removed, as has the links and forum, and neopets guild.

Welcome! Enjoy yourself. I hope you leave here more enlightened as to who the Homunculi are. I will be adding more to the site as the dub progresses, so that those who haven't seen the full series won't be overwelmed with information they don't want to know! Due to that, there may be some information not included.

Just who are the Homunculi? What are their goals? Where do they come from? Why do they primarily wear black? What's an Oroburous?

Profiles of Sins Definitions of Sins Definitions of Another Sort

Warning: There are spoilers on this site. But I have been careful to blank them out. If you want to read them, just highlight after where is says to highlight.
This site it rated PG-13, due to "sensitive" material and the fact that no one under 13 should be watching FMA, for their own health. Also, don't take anything here seriously...

Envy has killed: humans since 12/08/04

The Information I've provided, unless otherwise stated, is in my own writing. Please make up your own stuff.
I don't own FMA, or the Homunculi, and unless otherwise stated, I don't own any of the images.