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This is my very first web page ever, so if it isn't the greatest, just hold on to your hopes that it will get better because it probably will. If you accessed this site from my MSN or Yahoo! user profiles, then you either cared enough to read more about me or you wanted to laugh at my intermediate web-paging skills. Well HA! I'll have you know that I can write raw HTML coding, and read it too (although I cheated a little bit and used Microsoft Word 97 HTML editor too). Unfortunately, the only problems I seem to be having are thinking up titles worthy enough to put at the top of my pages. So far I have this one (ooh! "HOME," how creative) and one for my car's page. Considering that those are the only two I have up and running, I'd say one-half of the titles aren't so bad…

In the future, I hope to have more than this up ("wow, let's hope so"). Here is a list of things I hope to have in the order I hope to have them (do not be disappointed to know that most are not links):

My Real Profile (MSN and Yahoo! are cool, but won't cut it)
My Town (small and unimpressive, scrapbook-style)
A Photo Album (real pictures, not just those pretty ones used for chat profiles)
My Car (because more people remember you as "the girl in the Shitty Red Car")
Friends (perhaps this will be combined with the My Town scrapbook page, I'm not sure yet)
Hobbies (maybe this can be fun, I'll probably need a guestbook or some kind of feedback thing for this…yeah, a guestbook)
A Better Home Page (with a real title and an index of links around the site)

Yeah, that sounds good. If you give a shit, let me know by email - if you would like to see something else (all of my clothing will remain on my body, sorry). Please put the word QUAILS (in all caps) as the fist word of the subject because if I cannot identify the email I usually just throw it out…yeah, and a page about My Quails should go on here too, probably under Hobbies…