Trevor Rabbit

Trevor is my nephew, Teddy's, bunny. He's a Norwegian Dwarf rabbit. He is a lovely shade of tan, with faint black patches here and there. I am not sure how old Trevor is now, but he has reached maturity, because he's getting "frisky" and aggressive. We won't talk about my nephew! LOL

I've added captions to the pictures, as well as the text underneath. Just hover your mouse over each picture.

[Meeting Trevor]

We get to meet Trevor. He's a beauty, and cute as the dickens, too!

[Sitting on Dad's shoulder]

That's my brother, Ted.
Trevor decides to sit on Dad's shoulder.

[Milo the dog gets in on the act]

Milo, the family dog, decides Trevor is getting too much attention and gets in on the act. Trevor and Milo get along okay, although Trevor does get a little nervous if Milo gives HIM too much attention!

[Trevor tickles Teddy]

Teddy says "That tickles, Trevor!"

[Finding a good spot.]

Trevor likes to snuggle against your neck, and under your hair if it's long.
Here he is moving to get into that position. No luck there, Trevor! LOL

When my brother and his family went on vacation recently, they asked me to "bunnysit", which I said I would gladly do. Trevor was easy to care for.

[Trevor's home]

Trevor in his home. It's a long cage, over 3 feet, so he leaps back and forth a lot, getting his exercise, when he can't get out to run around. He was excellent at using his litter box to urinate in, but poopies were scattered everywhere, so he must not mind that.

[Homer checks out Trevor] [How can I get in there?] [Sniffing noses]

It's a little difficult to see in these pictures, but I didn't want to get up and possibly spoil the photo opportunities. My cat, Homer, is on the other side of the cage, becoming acquainted with Trevor. Trevor didn't seem to mind, but I couldn't get him to come out of the cage!

I think he's a chicken, not a rabbit. LOL

[Silly Homer!] [Aren't I cute?] [This space fits just right!]

Homer loves company, whether it's animal or human, and he sincerely wanted to play! He has this thing he does where he lays his head on the side, as if he were saying "C'mon, aren't I just too cute?"

I love when does that! He's silly, and he knows it. LOL

[Trevor and the ball] [Now it's in his dish] [Nope, he doesn't like it there]

I taught Trevor a trick, of sorts. At least, how to play with a toy!

When I was looking at information online, it said that rabbits often like certain cat toys, like "bizzy balls". Homer had one but he never played with it, so I decided to see if Trevor wanted to play with it.

I put it up on the platform, and flicked it so it would roll down the ramp. I picked it up, put it back on the platform, and flicked it again. Then I stopped.

Trevor went right over to the ball, picked it up, put on the ramp about 4 inches up, and let it roll! Then, he did it a second time!

I was amazed how he picked that up so quickly! That was just so kewl! And he continued to do that on occasion, and even tried rolling it down various items in the cage, like the wall, or his wooden bridge. Neat! You can see he would put the ball anywhere: in his dish, out of his dish. LOL

[Picking up the ball]

Here I caught him picking up the ball, but I could never catch an "action" shot.

[Bored rabbit!]

Okay, he's bored - yawn! you can go look at other pets, now! LOL

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Created April, 2003. Copyright 2003 Valerie Voight. All rights reserved.