Item: Fire Gem Water Gem Wind Gem Earth Gem Ice Gem Lightning Gem Psychic Gem Shadow Gem Endurance Gem Agility Gem Speed Gem Energy Gem Gem of Youth Nature Gem
What it does: You have power over fire. You gain control of water. You have power over the wind. Get control of the earth element. Power over ice. Gain power over lightning. Get telepathy, can read minds (some), powerful psychic techniques. Have power over earth, wind, water, fire, lightning, ice, and shadow magic. Raises your endurance. Raises your agility Makes you faster. Gives you energy when you need it. You gain the power to change your age whenever you please. Power over nature (Plants, and the like...not over wind or stuff like that)
How you get it: From the swamp or surprise. From the swamp or surprise. From the swamp or surprise. From the swamp or surprise. From the swamp or surprise. From the swamp or surprise. Recieve as gift from Talon, Chronus, or Kajar. Recieve as gift from Talon, Chronus, or Kajar. From the swamp or surprise. From the swamp or surprise. From the swamp or surprise. From the swamp or surprise. Recieve from Big Spirit(Seishou). Only adults may get this gem. Recieve from Big Spirit(Seishou).
Strengths (how much damage you do, not defense vs.) Ice, Earth Fire, Earth Water, Fire Wind, Fire Earth, Water, Wind Water, Earth Ice, Shadow Psychic, Earth N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Weaknesses Water, Wind Wind, Ice Ice, Earth Water, Ice Fire, Psychic Psychic, Ice Fire, Water Lightning, Ice N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Rarity Common Common Difficult to get Not easy to acquire Not easy to acquire Difficult to get Only chosen ones recieve this power Only chosen ones recieve this power Not easy to acquire Common Common Difficult to get Difficult to get Difficult to get