Experiences of the 9033 wanted:

A story from Fredrik;
"I can gladly announce that during my military service 1991 at Ing1 in Södertälje (RIP), I was a driver and radio-operator assigned a 9033, according to a note in the truck yearmodel 1957?. The other guys assigned to Tgb 11 cars were a little condesending, but what could I do but to accept fact. It turned out that our car was the best, I don't know how many times we had to jumpstart them, when all we had to do was to press the start button. One episode worth remembering occured during driving practice, we were learning towing. Our truck was assigned "towing object" and the order was "Drive into that ditch over there, try to get out and then we'll come and tow You out". Said and done, down we went, reverse and up we came. The somewhat surprised officer ordered us down in an even worse ditch with a smile on his face... Down we went and up again! This was clearly enough for him, "Go down again and stay down!", was the order. Then we of course had to check if the officers were pulling our leg when they said "Don't brake to hard on the asphalt, the truck can tip over forward". Had to be checked, full throttle up to 30-40 km/h, full brake and when we realised that the asphalt was getting closer to the windsheild relase the brakes and let all four tires touch the gruond again. They weren't lying...

A story from Björn;
"I did my military service in the early 80's as a radio-operator. I was stationed in a Tgb 11 for the whole duration of my service, but I also got "offroad" training on the 903 and 9033 . At first I did not understand why, I just enjoyed every minute. The officers that trained us in offroad driving where true elite, but I can't remember any names since so many years has passed. We sure had a lot of fun and the training began with classroom theory and "if we where quick learners we might just get a piece of offroad driving at the end of the day". We spent about an hour in the classroom and then went outside and mounted the vehicles. We followed the instructors straight out in the forest and what a ride it was...the instructors had set their minds on testing the limits right away. That first day of offroad training was a true blast, and every hour with the trucks "offroad" was something to remember. Sometimes we took a "detour" offroad when returning from some radio exercise despite the ordered paved return route. It looked somewhat funny when we lined upp the trucks at the barracks and only our truck was covered in mud. We reccieved a thorough training and "blue licence" on Tgb 11, 13, Pltgb 903 and Raptgb 9033. At our last exercise I finally understood why we had been trained on the "Puppy"! On the island of Gotland were no Tgb 11, and my pal for eleven days in the forest was a 9033."

Two pictures from Stefan that made his military service at T2 1974-75;

Some info from Grefven;
"Unfortunately I did not make my military service while the Valp was still in use by the army. I left the service in June 2000 (A9 in Kristinehamn). The
9033 was not used there to any larger extent, but belive me when I say that there were a lot of them just rusting away. I "snooped around" the regiment and found about ten untouched 9033's just rusting away. They were probably going to be scrapped. The cars were complete with radios and military markings. Not only 9033's were rusting; also C303's. There were also about 60 C303's and 306's that had been "saved" for future use by parking them on a large grawel field. They were just rusting away. It's sad to see that the army doesn't realise that they will never need these trucks. Sell them instead and make some money!"

Some experiences from Fredrik;
"I made my military service in 1999 at Lv3 in Norrtälje. We had two Raptgb 9033 (!) on my platoon that we used for transportaion purposes. Actually they were in quite good condition. We managed to get one of them "passed the speedometer", i.e a little over 120 km/h. I suppose the meter was not calibrated...I drove quite a lot with it and since I'm interested in old cars it was an interesting experience. I have many fun memories from "Valp" driving, once we pulled into McDonalds drive-in in a Valp and the girl at the counter had diffuculties caused by the height of the Valp."



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Updated 2002-08-01