Enter the Realm of Myth and Fantasy

This page has moved!

After dealing with one free host disappearing, two not allowing FTP without paying, one reducing the amount of space for files, I decided to do the only intelligent thing. Drop them all and get my own domain!

I would be eternally grateful that if you came here through a link from another page if you would take a moment to hit the back button, find the site maintainer's email address and send them the new url -


Of course if it was one of my own pages that bumped you here, just click the portal...it will take me a while to convert ALL my links. :)

Click to Enter

Whether you wish to gallop through fields on a unicorn's back, soar through the sky on dragon wing or just have a friendly chat with a magical creature of two, you have come to the right place. A place where imagination reigns and reality is not as it seems.

This page was created: June 1997
Moved: May 2002