Terror goes into Overtime


Jean-Claude Van Damme as Darren McCord
Powers Boothe as Joshua Foss
Raymond J. Barry as the Vice President
Whittni Wright as Emily
Ross Malinger as Tyler
Dorian Harewood as Agent Hallmark

Based on the story by

Directed by

DECEMBER 22, 1995

The movie starts at a building that is on fire and we see a whole bunch of fire fighters doing their job and trying to put out the fire. Inside the building, we hear a voice call out "I FOUND HER!!", but no one hears. Again and again he calls and finally someone hears his calls and comes to his assistance, but it is too late. The little girl he found is dead.

Two years later...

4 hours before Face-Off
The usual pregame stuff happens for Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals, cameramen stuff and whatnot. Plus, the Vice President is going to be there to attend the game. Now, two weird-lookin' dudes kill two of the workers working at the Stadium for the game and take their identification cards and then proceed to the stadium.

Darren McCord, who is them man with the girl two years prior and is a Fire Inspector at the game, goes to his house to propose to take the kids, Emily and Tyler, to the game (since it is Tyler's birthday). With some negotiations, his ex-wife allows them to go. And now we see the clan of bad dudes loadin' up their weapons and such.

2 hours before Face-Off
Hallmark, FBI Agent, is making his rounds and introduces the local security for the game to the head chef and other stuff like that. We kinda get a feel of some of the characters. Meanwhile, back in the city, we see a man, most definatley a bad guy, hold a woman (the head chef's wife) hostage in her house.

90 minutes before Face-Off
Darren and his kids enter the stadium. Emily is given to a friend of Darren's and Darren and Tyler proceed to one of the Hocky Teams' lockeroom.

45 minutes before Face-Off
Various shipments of supplies come in, popcorn, suveniers, etc. and Darren introduces the head chef to his children.

20 minutes before Face-Off
The Vice President shows up, along with all the security that follows, then he proceeds to both lockerooms and wishes both teams good luck and takes his seat up in the Owner's Box.
Back at the chef's house....
The bad dude puts the TV on and puts it to the game. IT'S TIME!!! She then is forced to call her husband and tell him that he has to escort some of the bad dudes up to the Owner's Box where the Vice President is, or his wife is DEADMEAT!!!
Darren, Emily, and Tyler take their seats.

2 minutes before Face-Off
The American National Anthem plays and more bad dudes show up in various parts of the stadium and a variety of people die (including the chef's wife). The game starts.

The main bad guy, Joshua Foss, has already taken over the Owner's Box (because the head chef let him in) and has already killed the head chef. Now, it is the Vice President who asks "What is it that you want?". Typical question. He replies with his mission objective: to transfer 1.7 billion dollars from various bank accounts into various other accounts of Joshua's choice. One third of the money must be moved in the first period (if not, someone dies), another third in the second period (if not, two people die), and the rest in the last period (if not, the whole stadium get blown up by various bombs hidden all over the stadium).

SWAT team, police, FBI, you name it, start to show up after audio contact with the Vice President is lost. Now, the usual sibling shit happens and Emily runs off.
End of period one; no money has been moved, the mayor's wife dies.

Emily witnesses a baddy "off" a guy and is taken with the baddy up to the Owner's Box. Darren tries to catch up with them but in unable. Now, there is some beauty fighting between Darren and the baddy that took Emily. Eventually, Darren kills the baddy.

The FBI get a hold of Foss and want to know the situation (how many dead, etc.). They got some "decent" information, but definately not enough. Back to Darren, kicking the hell out of another baddy, puts the dudes head on a hot grill and beats the information out of him and finds out what Foss's intentions are. Now what? He's gotta contact the police. So he does. Finding all the phones in the stadium are OUT OF ORDER, he looks all over until he finds a cellular phone and phones 911. There, he is patched through to Hallmark where he says not to do anything, but they've got Darren's daughter and he decides to look for the bombs himself. So off he goes.

Luck!! He found one. With an enormous amount of tension and suspense, he disarms it. What a rush. End of period two, some guy along with the mayor dies. Oh poo.

Darren continues to look for the bombs and finds yet another one!! Disarmed. Then, Hallmark finds his way into the stadium and runs into Darren who decides to split up and cover more ground. But, we see the truth--Hallmark's a fraud. He gives Foss some information on what Darren is doing and is told to "take car of it". That fucking bastard! But, Darren keeps truckin' and finds another, but Hallmark shows up...with a gun. In return, Darren kicks the shit out of him. Good deal.

Now, Darren with Hallmark's cell phone (which has Foss's cell phone number on re-dial), makes a phone call to Foss. And after an esteemed conversation between Darren and Foss, Darren keeps on truckin' and disarms and disarms and does his little thang. That is until some bad dudes find him and chase him into the lockeroom where the goalie of the Penguins is recouperating. Ah-ha! Darren gets an idea. Next thing we know, Darren is skating out on the ice in the goalie's equipment and takes a seat on the bench!! But, he doesn't have to sit for long since the coach puts him in. Uh-oh, intense. After some intense action, Darren purposely gets a game misconduct to get off the ice and continue to look for more bombs.

Time's running out....only 2 minutes left and there are still bombs and Darren's gotta deal with some bad dudes. 1 minutes left, score is 4-3. 30 seconds, 20 seconds, 10 seconds, 5 seconds, 1 second...SCORE!!! TIE GAME!!! The game goes into SUDDEN DEATH, overtime. *Whew* Things are okay, for the time being, since the game's not over. Well, no time to waste, Darren's gotta get the bombs. There's only like two left and he proceeds to the top, very top of the stadium. There, he takes care of a bad guy, disarms the bomb and accidentally opens the stadium roof. From there, he does some wicked shit, AWESOME FUCKING SHIT and gets into the Owner's Box. By now, Foss has already took off and all the people (except Tyler) run like hell, trying to get out of the stadium.

Darren, now with Emily, picks up Tyler and tries to get out of the stadium along with all the other people. Instead, Foss grabs Emily as she strays off and Darren is faced with yet another dilema. In the end, Foss is dead, Darren gets shot but all is well and a personal THANK YOU from the Vice President and heads for the hospital.