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(C)opyright 2003 Vance Stevens

Webheads in Action:
Community formation online and its role in language learning

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Interesting Websites Webheads have Created

as a result of participation in this session

<top> Web projects | Wimba and Groupboard
Web projects

Susanne's Web pages

Susanne's great April Fools webpage:
(Vance's reaction: I liked it so much I .... well, pass your mouse over my picture in the footer on this page)

Dafne's Web pages

Teresa's web pages

Aiden's web pages

Here's my personal tribute to webheads: (not found May 6, 2005)
I was able to add music to my page by linking it to an MP3 site.

Hi, all. If you can put up with Japanese content, you are more than welcome to take a look at my Cyber Map Exercise site. I started with Real and recently adding more flash content. Modem connection should be .. OK.... Let me know what you think. Sincerely yours, Keiko Schneider p.s. from Keiko: I don't want to make too long about Japanese capapbility, but IE these days automatically reads Japanese. I think Cyrillic has a lot harder time than double byte Asian languages. If you are curious, look at my computer section at Computing and Japanese

<top> Web projects | Wimba and Groupboard
Wimba and Groupboard

Some Webheads have managed to get Wimba voice-activated threaded discussion boards and whiteboard-capable Groupboards up on their very own pages. I've asked the to send me the urls. Here are the urls for the ones who've replied so far.

This is shown here for archival purposes only. Wimba stopped its free service shortly after these voice boards were put up, and only one of the Groupboards show below still works (as of May 6, 2005)

Webhead Pic and hyperlink Language(s) Wimba voice board / Groupboard
Aiden English and Chinese Wimba:
Anne Fox French Wimba:
Dafne Spanish and English Wimba:
Keiko English and Japanese Wimba:
Lena English and Russian Wimba:
Groupboard: (password = "alatau")
Teresa English and Portuguese Wimba:
Vance English Wimba:
Webheads English Wimba:

Navigate this site | Web projects | Wimba and Groupboard

Webheads - Main Page | Join us | Welcome | Students | Virtual Community | Online class | Chat Logs | Reports and Studies | Grammar | Tutorials | Games | Teaching for Webheads
Time conversions - and more
ChatsHomestead text chat or leave a message | GroupBoard text chat, whiteboard, and guestbook | Tapped In - /join VanceS in Office N2201, North Wing, 22nd Floor or /join JohnSte | Palaces – avatar text chat at and, both on port 9998 | Active Worlds – animated avatar 3D text chat
Discussion forums – voice: Wimba voice discussion board | text: Delphi Forum
Instant MessengersICQ | Yahoo! Messenger | MSN Messenger Service
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Comments and suggestions on this page to Vance Stevens
Last updated: May 6, 2005 in Hot Metal Pro 6.0