The Pigman

Written by Paul Zindel

ã 1968



Unit Plan by Jeremy VanDerKern, Keene High School ã 2005


q       Pre-reading

q       Chapter 1

q       Chapter 2

q       Chapter 3

q       Chapter 4

q       Chapter 5

q       Chapter 6

q       Chapter 7

q       Chapter 8

q       Chapter 9

q       Chapter 10

q       Chapter 11

q       Chapter 12

q       Chapter 13

q       Chapter 14

q       Chapter 15

q       Extra Credit

q       Final Essay Questions





  1. Author Biography:
    1. Read about the author on page 152 (at the end of the book).
    2. What did you learn about the book based on the letter the author received?  (List five things).


  1. Character Profiles:

a.       John Conlan:     Handsome, longish brown hair, blue eyes that take it all in, 6.5 feet tall, trouble-maker, liar, independent, drinks, smokes, pretends not to be compassionate, hostile towards himself, confident, a card, man of action, wants to be an actor, a sophomore, plans ahead for worst case scenario,


b.      Lorraine:           Compassionate.  Psychology, big words, kinky hair, overweight, hunches, funny clothes, not Miss America or abominable snowman, good with words, green eyes that scan like radar, should be a writer, needs confidence, sounds like her annoying mother sometimes, a sophomore, kind, nervous, shy, eats a lot,


c.       Angelo Pignati:  Lonely, jolly, wife is gone, bubbly, tells jokes, nice, late fifties, fat, beer belly, eyes twinkle, Santa Claus like (minus the beard), makes homemade wine, retired electrician, slob, like a big kid, emotional, likes the zoo, little crazy, harmless, fake laughter, glazed eyes,   


  1. Point of View:  First Person, past tense, John and Lorraine alternate narration.  The story is an epic memorial.


  1. What is a Memorial Epic? 
    1. Define “epic.” 
    2. Define:  memorial.” 
    3. Is The Pigman truly a “memorial epic”?  Explain.



Chapter One


Journal Topic: 


How do you feel about school, classes, teachers, other students, the library, etc?” ( ½ page)


Study Guide Questions:


  1. Why did they get involved with the Pigman?
  2. Who is writing Chapter One on “The Cricket’s” typewriter in the library?
  3. What kind of things does the narrator do at school?
  4. What did John write on the table?
  5. Why are John and Lorraine writing a memorial epic?
  6. What denotes profanity (or obscene words) in the memorial epic?
  7. Describe Miss Reillen.




Porcelain, Gestapo, mellow, hazardous, recessed, avocation, colossal, undernourished, scrawny, incandescent, commemorative, enthusiastic, sophomore, dimwit, livelier, opinionated, memorial, epic, excruciatingly, revolting,




  1. Find examples of similes used in this chapter.







Chapter Two




How do you see yourself?  What is your self- image?  How do you think others see you?” (½ page).


Study Guide Questions:


  1. Who is typing chapter two?
  2. What does Lorraine say about John’s eyes?  How does she feel about him smoking and drinking?
  3. How is Dr. Freud a hypocrite?
  4. What does John call the cafeteria’s Swiss steak?
  5. Discuss Lorraine’s relationship with her mother.
  6. Why did they get involved with the Pigman?
  7. What do John’s eyes remind Lorraine of?
  8. How did Lorraine and John end up finally being friends?




Subliminally, thrombosis, repress, analyst, assert, distort, compassion, Homo sapiens, Venus, abominable, aspect, monstrosity, compulsive, sclerosis, archeologist, paranoia, symptom, aleck, lunatic, mortified.




  1. Visit D.A.R.E. website.  “What is the purpose of the high school D.A.R.E. program?”  Play some games and look around.






Chapter Three





Describe a practical joke or prank you played (or had played on you) and the final outcome.” (½ page)


Study Guide Questions:


  1. Who is typing chapter three?
  2. Why are they telling this memorial epic?
  3. Describe the gags that Norton and Dennis liked to play on people.
  4. What nickname does John give to his father?
  5. Why does Bore put a lock on the phone and how does John deal with the lock?
  6. What record did Denis hold?
  7. What confession is made at the end of the chapter and who is being blamed?




Fabulous, sanitarium, distortion, amoebae, refrigerator, marathon, disinfectant, fanatic, purified, hideous, grafts.





  1. What are some of your favorite prank phone calls?  (5-10)  Look online…
  2. Phonebook Scavenger Hunt







Chapter Four




What is the biggest (funniest, most damaging, most elaborate, OR most unbelievable) LIE you ever told?  Why did you tell it?  What happened afterwards?  (½ page)


Study Guide Questions:


  1. Describe Norton
  2. How does Lorraine cheat?
  3. Where is Mr. Pignati’s wife?
  4. What impression do we get of Mr. Pignati?
  5. Discuss John and the lies he tells.  What lies does he tell?  Why does he tell them?
  6. What does Mr. Pignati agree to do?
  7. Who complicates things?




Staggering, fictitious, philanthropy, donations, charity, marvelous, prevarications, compensation, syndrome, fib, discomfort, schizophrenic, ridiculous.




Research a local charity and raise money to donate.






Chapter Five





Describe how you get along with your parents/ guardians” (½ page)


Do you (or does a member of your family) collect anything?  What?  Why?” (½ page)



Study Guide Questions:


  1. Who does John blame for Mr. Pignati’s murder?
  2. What is ironic about John’s living room?
  3. Why did John say his mom put her finger in an electrical socket?  Did she really?
  4. Who/ what does John blame every time he gets accused of doing something wrong?
  5. How does John still manage to use the phone even though the dial is locked?
  6. What does John “decided” and try to convince Lorraine to do?
  7. How DOES John convince Lorraine?
  8. What would John do if Mr. Pignati was not as nice as he seemed?
  9. What 10 objects does Mr. Pignati memorize?  How did he do it?
  10. Where does Mr. Pignati ask the children to go with him:?
  11. What does Mr. Pignati show John and Lorraine?




Demented, patron, subsidize, attaché case, headshrinker, suicide, subconscious, convent, phenomenal, maniac, accent, radar, memorize, superduper, impatience, awkwardly, bewildered, outrage, gulped, flit, flee, dreadful, stammered,    





  1. Suicide statistics and signs.
  2. Memorize 10 objects by using a mnemonic device. (see page 34 for an example)







Chapter Six




Should people of any age be allowed to drink alcohol?  Why/ why not?  (½ page)


Discuss zoos and the ethical treatment of animals.  (½ page)



Study Guide Questions:


  1. Why does John go to Tony’s Market?
  2. Describe Lorraine’s mother and their relationship.
  3. Why do John and Lorraine skip school?  How do they get away with it?
  4. Why doesn’t Lorraine like the Baron Park Zoo?
  5. What bad omens does Lorraine mention?
  6. Describe Mr. Pignati’s best friend.
  7. How does Lorraine feel about the alligators?  Why?  Do you agree with her opinion?  Why?



 Killjoy, schizo, permanent, separation, absentee, unimaginatively, mongrel, unbalanced, harboring, omen, antagonistic, nocturnal, explanatory,  deodorant, dentures, swoon, intruding, mechanical, contraption, landscape, terrifying, tizzy.





  1. Visit the ASPCA website to learn what they do with (for) animals.


  1. Take the TRUE/ FALSE snake quiz and see how you do. (Page 49).


  1. Research any zoo animal and write your own 10 question True/ False Quiz. (include answers and rationale on separate sheet of paper).  See pages 51-52 for ideas.






Chapter Seven





  1. Where do you go to think?  (½ page)


  1. Have you ever had to deal with the loss of a friend or loved one?  Discuss.  (½ page)


Study Guide Questions:


  1. How did Mr. Pignati show his affection for John and Lorraine?
  2. Where do all the kids go to drink?
  3. How does John feel about cemeteries, death, life, himself?
  4. Why does Bore tell John “try eating your imagination when you’re hungry sometime”?
  5. What does John call his mother?  Why?
  6. How does John feel about going to visit Mr. Pignati?
  7. What service did Silver Lake provide?  How much did it cost?




Eerie, anxious, subliminal, omens, voluptuous, tomb, perpetual, gigantic, concentrating, imbalmer / embalmer, elaborate, ritual, prosecuting, madhouse, strain, blurted, floundering, ingrate, apologize, individualistic, oddball, aggravate, bashful, admire, scungilli, oscilloscope, putrid, bureau, joint,          




  1. Follow recipe to make a “black and white” soda.  Describe using five (5) senses.






Chapter Eight




  1. Discuss LOVE and the power it has over people.  (½ page)


  1. Discuss a time when your parent/ guardians made you feel bad about yourself.  (½ page)


Study Guide Questions:


  1. According to Lorraine, why doesn’t she have good conversations with her mother?
  2. How does John feel about waiting at the Staten Island ferryhouse?
  3. Why did Lorraine go with John and Mr. Pignati to Beekman’s Department Store?
  4. What omen(s) does Lorraine see?
  5. What food items are purchased?
  6. What does Lorraine get for her mother?  Why?
  7. How does Lorraine feel in the Toy Department?
  8. What kind of logic aggravates John?  How did John retaliate?
  9. In your opinion, are John and Lorraine taking advantage of Mr. Pignati?  Explain.
  10. Why does Lorraine wear her new roller skates through the department store?




Delicatessen, delicacy, glimpse, varicose veins, experimental, concentration, girdle, brassiere, inquired, arsenal, rehearsal, artillery, manufacturers, preventive, absurd, escalator, spectacles,     




  1. Responsible Credit Card information.


  1. Critical Thinking:  Refer back to page 77 and the three miniature monkeys in the pet shop.  Describe them and how they make you feel.  At the end of the chapter Lorraine compares herself, John, and Mr. Pignati to the three “funny” monkeys.  In what ways are the main characters people similar to (different from) the three monkeys?







Chapter Nine




Is it wrong for boys to play with dolls?  Are there exceptions?  Explain.”  (½ page)



Study Guide Questions:


  1. John and Lorraine have previously mention Norton.  Describe this character.  Mentioning Norton now is an example of foreshadowing.  What might happen later in the book?
  2. What threat does Norton make?
  3. Why does John drink so much?
  4. How does John feel about his parents?  How does he feel about the Pigman?




Foreshadowing, specialist, queer, berserk, unavoidable, conference, furious, deliberately, disturbing, influence, sclerosis,




Find a Dear Abby column.  Summarize Abby’s points.  Explain which parts you agree/ disagree with. Why?








Chapter Ten




Is it better to admit to lies or to never fess up? Discuss.” (½ page)


Study Guide Questions:


  1. Why does Lorraine’s mom hate men?
  2. Why does Mr. Pignati look tired and depressed?
  3. What do John and Lorraine tell Mr. Pignati?
  4. What does Mr. Pignati tell John and Lorraine?
  5. What happens to change the mood?
  6. What does John do to entertain the other two?
  7. What is each person in the “murder story” symbolic of?
  8. What example of onomatopoeia occurs at the end of this chapter?
  9. What happens to Mr. Pignati as a result of being “It” during the tag game?





Escapist, realist, fixated, devote, interrogating, mooching, strenuous, trudged, hypnotized, squirmed, obstacles, mundane, onomatopoeia,





  1. Play the “murder story” game to figure out what kind of person YOU are.  (Pages 94-97)


  1. In your opinion, symbolically, what would John, Lorraine, Pignati, Norton, John’s mom, John’s dad, Lorraine’s mom stand for?  Why?





Chapter Eleven





Have you ever taken advantage of someone’s kindness?  Discuss  (½ page)


Recount a time when you dressed up as someone other than yourself.  How did the costume make you feel?  (½ page)


Study Guide Questions:


  1. What lie does John tell to the police officers?  Why?
  2. Why do John and Lorraine skip school?
  3. What does Mr. Pignati offer John and Lorraine?  In your opinion, is it a good idea to accept his offer?  Why?
  4. What request does Mr. Pignati make?
  5. How does John feel about hospitals?
  6. How are chapter 10 and 11 turning points in The Pigman?
  7. Why does John go upstairs?
  8. How does John and Lorraine’s relationship change?




Ambulance, exert, ghoul, morgue, bubonic plague, gladiola, semiprivate, malaria net, pocketbook, inquired, observed, devouring, spaghetti, superb, loathe, mentality, distinguished, fantastic, goo, congealing,    




  1. Come to class in a costume (school appropriate, please) and act the part.


  1. John comes up with some very descriptive similes.  Define: simile.  Find 3-5 examples of John’s similes.  Write 5-10 of your own similes.







Chapter Twelve




Has a parent/ guardian ever made an “empty threat” to you before? Discuss.  (½ page)


Study Guide Questions:


  1. Describe John in the beginning of this chapter.
  2. How does Lorraine talk to her mother
  3. How does Lorraine feel about John in this chapter?
  4. What does John’s dad threaten to do?  Why?
  5. How does Lorraine feel about the pig room?
  6. What is John’s idea?




Diagnosed, leprosy, warpath, antifermenting, succinct, infantile, maladjusted, straight man, dreamboat, appreciate, propelling, quarts, intimate.




  1. Read the amendments of the Constitution and condense the meaning of each into one succinct sentence.  Also answer the following:  1. Which amendment is most important in your life?  2. Which amendment is least important?  3. What amendment would you make to the constitution if you were president?







Chapter Thirteen




Describe a party that you have been to.  (½ page)


Recount a time when a situation got out of control.  (½ page)


Study Guide Questions:


  1. How did Lorraine feel about having a party at Mr. Pignati’s house?
  2. Who was not invited to the party?  Why?
  3. What does John say about most of the people he invited (provide an example as proof)?
  4. Why did Lorraine and John keep inviting people?  How many came in all?
  5. Why did the house start to “jump” after eight? 
  6. CHART:  The progression of the party.  How does it start?  How does it evolve?  How does it end up?  (This is a lengthy/ detailed answer).
  7. Who arrives at the part in a taxi?




Reputation, terrified, munching, generously, hors d’oeuvres, momentum, miniature, hesitation, invitation, DDT, appreciate, constipated, boulevard, curvature, frenzied, buxom, whirling, mangy, clomping.




  1. Design an invitation for a party  (Time/ place/ date/ location/ purpose/ directions/ colorful/ art)
  2. Plan a classroom party:  food, music, date/ time, invitations, etc.







Chapter Fourteen




Is there a special person, place or thing that you would hate to lose?  Describe. What effect would it have on you? Explain.  (½ page)


Study Guide Questions:


  1. Why does the policeman look sorry?
  2. Why does Lorraine feel that her mom will never understand her?
  3. Why does Lorraine think about a kitten playing?
  4. When John calls Mr. Pignati (with Jane) what does he offer?
  5. Describe Mr. Pignati.
  6. What happens at Bobo’s cage?




Incongruous, tremble, crumpled, ashamed, tribute, hysterical, disbelief, disgust, exaggerated, artificial, relapses, raving, relatively, finality, forsaken, deliberately, viciously, unconscious, disheartened, psychiatrist, high-frequency, cackling, sheepishly, enthusiasm, audibly, demolished, attendants, proficiency, pathetic, frilly, bleak, protruding, autopsy, eternity,




  1. Discuss:  Was Mr. Pignati John and Lorraine’s friend (in the beginning, middle, end)? 
  2. Discuss:  Would Mr. Pignati have been better off if he never met John and Lorraine?






Chapter Fifteen:




Have you ever lost someone or something and felt like you lost a little of yourself at the same time?  (½ page)


What are your thoughts on death and dying?  (½ page)


Study Guide Questions:


  1. Where does Lorraine go?  Why?
  2. Does John care about Mr. Pignati?
  3. Where is John (in reality and in his head)?
  4. How does Lorraine react?




Ambulance, complicated, Tibetan, convent, saliva, ridiculous, trespassed, lingered





  1. Research another culture (Mexico, African, Norse) or religion (Islamic, Buddhist, Jewish) and their view on death and dying.  (Five Paragraph Informative Essay)


  1. Write a new chapter 15 and a new ending to the story. (Stay true to the story line, characters, themes, etc. Five pages, typed)







Extra Credit:


What would you change in Paul Zindel’s classic story, The Pigman, to make it more modern?




Final Essay Questions:


  1. How do John and Lorraine feel about school? Defend your position with quotations from the text.


  1. How did John’s parents treat him?  How did Lorraine’s mom treat her?


  1. Why do John and Lorraine keep visiting Mr. Angelo Pignati? Defend your position with quotations from the text.


  1. How did Mr. Angelo “The Pigman” Pignati deal with his wife leaving?  Defend your position with quotations from the text.


  1. Did John and Lorraine kill Mr. Pignati? Explain.


  1.  What did John and Lorraine learn from Mr. Pignati?  (Consider: life, love, family)















Teacher ideas: