The snow has come and gone, but leaping Ground Hogs!! (They do leap don’t they??), there may be more to come.  Predictions can be tricky however, and during Problem Solving we have been looking at the predictions and theorems of famous scientists of the past. Galileo’s gift of the Scientific Method is in the forefront right now with the various Science Fair projects underway.

     We have talked quite a bit about questions (hypotheses), but close observation is the primary tool used by both scientists and artists.  Leonardo studied under the famous sculptor, Andrea del Verrochio, whose Italian name means “true eye.” His father could not have chosen a more perfect teacher for his visually talented son.  Leonardo not only had a gift for observation, but also had the unique ability to communicate his observations in detail through his drawings.

     Students have also formed lab groups that have been “sponsored” by scientist who continued on in the work of Leonardo.  We are looking at the contributions that came about as the result of their investigations and learning how the work of one person is not an end in itself, but merely the beginning of another’s research.  As Sir Isaac Newton said, “If I have seen further than others, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.”  I wonder on whose shoulders Leonardo would stand ?

               Sheep Brains

     Time is rapidly approaching for the Great Zany Brain Event at the Center. We will need volunteers to help monitor small groups of future scientists as we follow specific procedures and make observations.  You do not need to have experience or even a particularly strong stomach.

     We will need 8-10 parent volunteers during week of February 26, to ensure that this is a positive experience for the students.  All participants will wear protective gloves and use appropriate dissecting instruments.
February - March
Codex Signeticus
If you have not already contacted us, please call the  Center after 2PM (703.494.3483) to let us know you’re willing to help. (It isn’t as gross as it sounds.)

      As the holidays came upon us, we noticed that the nutritional quality of the students’ snacks began to deteriorate. Chips, candy, and other greasy snack items are not appropriate. Students are free to snack as they work during independent center time, but snack items need to be both healthy and neat so as not to interfere with the work process.

      If the groundhog is correct and we have a few more weeks of wintry weather yet to go, please keep your ear tuned to the radio or the PWCS TV station for any school schedule changes. Keep this in mind particularly with our next Family Night being on Wednesday, February 21.  If school or after-school activities are cancelled that day, then Family Night will be cancelled as well. I do hope that you all can make it, even for just a little while.  Directions to the center are available on our web site through
Click on Elementary Schools and scroll down to the Lake Ridge Center and click again.

Tissue Alert!!

     The cold season has hit us very hard here at the Center and we are getting critically low in tissues…and we haven’t even begun to think about those spring allergies.  If your child has not brought in a box yet, or if you have an extra that you could spare, please send one in as soon as possible.


Family Nights 2007

Drop in between 6:30 – 7:30 pm
• February 21
• April 18 

Sheep Brain Dissection

Monday, Feb.26     Wednesday, Feb.28
Tuesday, Feb. 27    Thursday, Mar. 1

Keep warm and Think snow!!