In a technical era as this, people are being dehumanized.

We go about our work mechanically, already programmed to do all the things without applying the human heart.

People could study the emotional chemistries of men, but they themselves don't know how it is to love, or to empathize. We do not stop to consider a tear on a child's face, nor a toothy grin of a toddler. We forget to listen to the voice of silence, as we are lost in the cacophony of society.

In our everyday rush, we never stop to admire the different shades of a leaf, nor the different shapes of the clouds... or the beauty of every sunset.

True, technology has put the world in our hands. But in so doing, we lose our sensitivity to life - and we become nothing but machines... devoid of all feelings.

The joys of life are lost in the sea of technology. The pleasure of firsthand experience is forfeited to the ability of gaining knowledge by merely pressing a button of the computer.

We have lost the art of looking at life through a child's eye - full of wonder.

As we are in the threshold of maturity, allow it to be that our lives won't be too centered on acquiring more technical knowledge and in the process losing the essence of living.



editorial for 2nd volume of Blue Gold Visions Magazine