Our Mountains

A friend of mine attended a seminary in Edmonton and has maintained contact with friends that he made during that period of his life. When they come to visit him here on the island, they complain because there is no view. He is then baffled, when he visits them in Alberta and they rave about the view while looking out across miles of bald prairie. I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Regardless of where you are in this province, the mountains set the boundaries and backdrop for all out door scenes. Some of us think that is a wonderful thing.
Mountains as background
<bgsound src="bubbasng.mid" loop="1">
Generally this is the way that I like to appreciate the mountains.

I have not been down hill skiing since my oldest learned to drive. At that point he decided that his image on the slope would be cooler without me tagging along. He had never quite approved of the way I tackled the bunny hills...slow and safe was my motto. Grant would yell from the lift over head, "Mum! You are supposed to ski down the hill, not across it!" I was stung by this public criticism and so when the time came and he could get himself and his good looking sister up to the hill on his own, I was not reluctant to stay home. I do expect some gratitude though for the times I risked my life by lying in wait, camera in hand, in a hollow below a mogul so that I could catch him airborn for posterity! But enough reminiscing. Let's take a look at Mount Washington! This is the major ski resort that is just miles from my home.  I contribute to its success by getting Sue a pass for her birthday each year!

Mount Washington

Mount Washington often has deeper snow packs than any other mountain in Canada. See if it is snowing there now.
 A real time shot!
Mount Washington Home Page
Particulars, Prices, and Distances.
Forbidden Plateau
the ski resort next door!

Rock Climbing and Mountaineering

The pictures above were taken in the winter. In the summer the snow packs disappear except for those in the area of the Comox Glacier. I think that is the time that keeners haul out their ropes and pick axes and head off to climb.
Rock and Ice Climbing in Strathacona Park
Alpine Climbing
Hiking in Strathacona Park
This is a hiking page but gives a pretty thorough view of the mountains too.
If you read my introduction....and of course I feel safe in assuming that all my visitors read every word....then you will know that mountain climbing is not my thing. I hope these links helped. Do not write me for further information.


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