Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace
How bitter the sound
As the cross was placed
In Golgotha's ground
Three men, nailed up to die
Slander rich, rage was high
His pain mirrored
From a mother's eye.

Angels sang holy, holy, holy
Trembling earth broke apart
And held the blood
From the lamb that cried out
The curtain was split
The sun blotted dim
His final words
Receive my spirit
Forgive them their sin.

Now we sing holy, holy, holy
Bless be the tie that binds
For Gods amazing grace
That frees our hearts and minds
I was blind but now I see
His blood stains upon the tree

Lost but now am found
At the cross in Golgotha's ground
T'was grace that brought my heart to sing
Holy, holy, holy hear the blessings ring
Amazing grace how sweet the sound
How sweet, how very sweet the sound!

©Doug Van Wyk Oct. 2000








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His Amazing Grace















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