
Nature's little helper
She walks across the land
Bringing sweetest rainbows
From clouds so full and grand

Storms she brings for sustenance
Cascading waters feed
Earth beneath her little feet
God's love so well received

Happy as she goes along
About her merry way
Seeing all the beauty
That comes in nature's day

Rain to fill a cup of joy
To quench the thirst of earth
Bringing forth the beauty of
Nature's precious worth

Rainbows filling up the sky
With hues of pinks and blues
Showing precious pots of gold
With all the greatest hues

Happily she sings a tune
Filling all requests
Bringing joy to all the world
Journey's love so blessed.

~ Francine Pucillo
©2000, used with permission




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The painting is ©Jim Warren, and used WITH his permission.
I have placed this icon here so that you might see a full version of his painting
entitled "Nature's Little Helper"



Butterfly Midi Playing is fromCal's Gallery of Midis