I Saw You In Maiden's Peak!

by:Roberto Perez-Vila

Marvin simply stares in bewilderment. Cajava has long blonde hair and green eyes. She looks like a girl that Famifax might transform into for fun. Marvin responds after a moment of admiration, "None of my tricks compare to yours!" He then leans forward and whispers into Cajava's ear, "From one magician to another, how do you do it?"

"Do what?" Cajava asks, rinsing the lower half of her shirt, annoyed that every time she comes into the world, she feels like she's in a wet t-shirt contest. "Oh, you mean the transformation? I don't know. It just happens when I get wet."

Marvin considers saying something rude to the young lady, but thinks otherwise. "That's... interesting...to say the least."

"So magic man, what are you going to do? Saw me into bits?" Cajava laughs, making chopping motions with her hand, "I'm not afraid! Just try me! Sick me in a big ol' box and dice me up good, I won't flinch!"

Marvin furrows his brow, and mumbles loud enough for Cajava to hear, "I dunno. You see, I usually only saw girls..."

"Only girls? What am I? Chopped liver?!" Cajava growls, about ready to slap Marvin for questioning her sexuality.

Marvin backs away with his hands raised to imply peace, "Don't get me wrong, Cajava... If you want me to saw you in half, I will. I can even make a variation in the performance considering your... you know... your... quirk!"

Feeling no embarrassment, Cajava leaps onto the stage outside Marvin's caravan and rises her arms up high, soaking in all the applause from the crowd. Blob, his Ditto, leaps up next to him and raises his tiny limbs, "Ditto!!!"

Marvin walks back into his multi-colored caravan to prepare his props for the impromptu illusion, while Cajava entertains the crowd. About five minutes after entering, Marvin walks out of his caravan, pulling a long horizontal purple box with small yellow stars on it that a girl can lay down in. Two wide blades hang from the sides. Marvin adjusts his bow tie and addresses the gathering audience with a loudspeaker, "I, Marvin the Magnificent, will attempt to saw this... girl in half!"

"Attempt?" Cajava narrows one eye at the magician, wondering if he's qualified.

Marvin sweatdrops at Cajava's question, "Oh, I meant I *will* saw this girl in half! There's no doubt about that."

Cajava wipes her forehead, relieved.

"The tricky part is putting her back together!" Marvin shouts into the loudspeaker, smirking at his own lame humor. He puts the loudspeaker down, and whispers to Cajava, "Now I'd like you to go into the caravan, pick out what you think is a nice assistant's dress from the multiple options on the racks, without shoes for sawing purposes, come back here, flourish, and step in the box!" Marvin pats Cajava on the back, "Do you think you can handle that? I'll take it from there."

Re by: syke 6888 L

A little annoyed by the magician's question, Cajava nodded, then entered the caravan while Marvin tries a few card tricks to entertain the crowd.

Inside, Cajava is wowed. The caravan is a veritable store, with costumes of all kinds. Also are twoi Dittos and a Mr.Mime, who still hadn't closed their mouths since finding Cajava's ... er, quirk.

"Anybody still alive over there?" Cajava called out. The trio turned simultaneously, then called out in their Pokémon language. Cajava nodded, then headed into the racks. Taking a look, Cajava was amazed again. They were beautiful! She wasn't sure which to choose until she saw a costume obviously modeled after a Vulpix. Grabbing it, Cajava made a quick change, then after patting one of the Dittos on the head, went outside and immediately the crowd erupted into whistles. When they finally calmed down, Cajava said to Marvin, "I'm ready, what do I do?"

re : by Roberto Perez-Vila

Before answering Cajava's question, Marvin takes a moment to admire her costume. She is wearing a low cut orange dress with six plush Vulpix tails coming out of the posterior, which shows off Cajava's bare legs. The outfit is completed by cute little brown mittens and a tiara with fuzzy fake Vulpix ears on top. Marvin chuckles, "Good choice! I wouldn't have worn it myself, but then again, it's not my size." He points to the long purple horizontal box with yellow stars, "Step inside!" Marvin opens up the magical box's top, and holds Cajava's hand as she steps inside. Marvin shuts the top.

Cajava's head sticks out of one end of the box, and her feet are coming out of two holes on the other side. She begins to fidget around nervously. The box seemed less cramped from the outside. "Now what?"

"I have to make sure you don't suddenly reconsider being my volunteer in the middle of the illusion!" Marvin sets latches around Cajava's neck, walks to the other end of the box, and places Cajava's ankles into small stocks. They click, indicating that Cajava is now locked inside the box, with no escape. "And now, for the blades!" Marvin raises one of his glimmering silver flat blades up high and gives a moment for the audience to admire its gleam in the sunlight.

The pause just makes Cajava feel uncomfortable, but she promised she wouldn't be afraid. After all, she is a risk taker.

Marvin slowly works the blade into the middle of the box, and pauses when it bumps into Cajava's waist. This is where the magician applies pressure on the hilt of the flat blade, driving it clear through Cajava's mid-section! "I hope I did this right. Cajava, if you're dead just say so, otherwise, here comes the other blade!" Marvin raises another blade.

Cajava blinks. She felt the blade cut through her, but she doesn't feel like she's cut in half. "Another blade?"

"Well, we can't have your innards spilling out when I separate the box!" Marvin laughs, shoving the second blade right next to the original one he inserted in the box's midsection, where Cajava's waist should be. "There."

"Separate the box?!" Cajava figured that the trick was going to be done by using fake blades that retract. How would the magician be able to actually split her in half? She decides to stop thinking about it and closes her eyes.

Marvin grabs the box in the middle, and pushes the lower half with Cajava's feet sticking out away from the half that has Cajava's head sticking out. Cajava doesn't even flinch. The audience claps. Marvin approaches the lower half of the now separated box. He slides the lower end of the box next to the upper end, and tickles Cajava's feet.

Cajava bursts out into giggles, opening her eyes! She turns her head towards the audience and sees the lower half of the box parallel to the box she's in. She recognizes her feet as the ones Marvin's tickling before her eyes, wonders how its possible, but continues to laugh uncontrollably. She shouts out, "This is unreal, magic man!"

Marvin stops tickling her and smiles at her, "It's about to become even more unreal!" Marvin slides the lower half of the box away from Cajava's view and calls for his assistant, "Fammy, bring me the bucket!" A lovely blonde girl in a blue dress brings out a bucket full of water from within the caravan. After handing the bucket to Marvin, she curtsies, and disappears back into the interior of the caravan. Marvin looms over Cajava's head at the upper end of the split box.

"What are you going to do with that bucket?" Cajava asks, hoping its not what she thinks he's going to do.

Instead of offering a verbal response, Marvin gives a visual response, spilling the water all over Cajava's head. Her blonde hair shrinks, her eyes turn from green to brown, and most noticeably - she becomes Ben.

Ben seems disoriented for a moment. He asks Marvin, "What's going on? Did the trick go well?"

"We're in the middle of the trick right now!" Marvin spins away from Ben's view, laughing. Marvin re-connects the lower half of the starry purple box with the upper half, and promptly removes the twin blades, reuniting Ben. He quickly unlatches all the locks meant to keep assistants in place, and helps Ben out of the unified horizontal box.

Once Ben is outside, he doesn't understand why the audience seems so dumbfounded. They saw him transform earlier. What was different this time? He isn't sure, but something feels weird. He just can't place it.

Marvin smirks at his assistant, "Ben..." Ben looks over at Marvin, trying to make sense of everything. The wily magician motions to Ben's lower half, "Ben... meet Cajava, your better half!"

Ben looks downward. The first thing he notices is that he's wearing a very feminine Vulpix dress. He blushes immediately, wondering what trouble Cajava's gotten him into. Then he notices something ten times more surpising than his clothes - his bare legs. What is surprising is that they are very feminine and hairless. Ben realizes that Marvin was talking about. Though his upper body is that of Ben, he is Cajava from the waist down! "Uhhh... This feels weird..."

Marvin laughs at Ben's facial expression, "Don't worry, Ben. I'm a magician, not a mad scientist. It's all an illusion, and I'll fix it soon enough! Well, except for the dress. *That's* real!"

"Soon enough? What not now?!" Ben shouts, unable to take his eyes off of his own girly female legs, which he has full control over.

Marvin chuckles politely and motions to the audience, "I'm just hoping that seeing a little bit of Cajava can help you get over that shyness problem you were telling me about! Plus, I like to entertain people, Ben. Or should I say Cajava?"

re: by Syke 6888 L

Despite his embarrasment, Ben tries to joke. "I don't know what you can call me, maybe Bejava? Cen? Mixture?" The audience smiles.

Ben still wasn't sure how this happened, but he didn't like it.

"OK, fun is fun, but can you make me wnole again? This is like something out of the Twilight Zone or something!"

Marvin agreed, and after one quick trick reversal, Cajava was whole again. "You're good, I'll tell you that. I ws happy to be your assisstant, but I got to go. Thanks for the fun." Cajava re-enters the caravan, changes back, then leaves to many cheers from the crowd. Next destination? Vermillion City!


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