Simple Gifts: Joy of Nature
Have you ever watched the passionate racey colors of a sunset?  Or  witnessed the multi-colored band of a rainbow?  Have you listened to  the soothing sound of rain; hear its pitter patter on your rooftop; or  observed the clear droplets trickling down your window?  By chance, did  you ever see a rabbit cross your path and disappear into the darkness  of night; or witness a deer stick its head from the thick woods?  Did  you look deeply into its big beautiful, innocent brown eyes? 

These are some of the beautiful gifts of nature which our Creator has  chosen to share with us.  They are here for all to partake in, to fully  experience its simplicity and natural beauty.

Unfortunately, in the hustle and bustle of our modern day world, we  have lost touch with nature.  Few have the time to live this joy.  We  are too busy to stop and smell the  roses or feel the cool breeze on  our cheeks.  For some reason, we have a tendency to believe that  communing with nature is reserved for the few ascetic or enlightened  beings.  Not for us.  No not for us.  But, little do we know, we are an  integral part of nature as we are all inter-connected to everything in  our environment. We have strayed.  Oh how we have gone off-course from  our natural path.  We need to return.  Return now, before it's too late  to experience the joy of nature.

Nature can teach us much about living--- about Being.  Watch a  waterfall--- how its majesty brings awe to many faces.  Look at the  effortless flow of a river--- how it embraces the rocks in its midst.   Here God is revealing Himself to you.

The sunset colors which light the sky are there.  The rainbow of hope  is there.  The gentle rain is there.  The fleeting vision of the rabbit  and the beautiful doe-eyes are also there.  There, where you are.    Open your eyes and listen with your heart--- with the fullness of your  Being.  For your Maker is talking to you, reflecting Himself through  Nature.

Rohit Lata Lal
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