The VB Code Center


July 23,2000 After today I won't be able to update the site for a couple of weeks.

July 3, 2000 Sorry because I haven't updated the site in a while so today is the first new update! 

June 17,2000 After today I won't be able to update the site for a couple of weeks.

June 15, 2000 Sorry because I haven't updated the site in a couple of days 

 June 11,2000 I have upload more code examples and VB Games!

June 10,2000 today is the  second day this site is up and I added the non VB download page.

June 9,2000  Well today was the first day this website was open and so far we have three code examples that you can look at.






Any comments or questions email me here

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Started June9,2000