Welcome to my Star Wars: Galaxies Character's home page. I am Tymme Hunt, and this page is where I will document my adventures in this MMORPG as a member and leader of the finest Player Association around: The CONSORTIUM.

Below, you will find links to sites containing information about myself, my RL self, my PA, and anything else I decide may be of inerest. This site is my first experiment into HTML, so don't mind the mess, but feel free to look around, and sign my Guestbook.

OOC note from the author: Since the purpose of this site is to act as a role playing tool for my character (for me to develop the character through stories and for others to learn about my character) it is designed as if it were created by the character Tymme Hunt, rather than by myself. As such, any attitudes, stories, etc. described in this site are that of the character of Tymme Hunt and do not necessarily represent my personal views, and certainly not my personal stories. Anything in this site written from my perspective will be distinguished by an OOC (Out Of Character) tag and / or the green text color.

Tymme Hunt's Stories

Tymme Hunt's Biography

Real Life Biography


The TCON Corporate Yacht

Sign My Guestbook

View My Guestbook

Site Updates:

December 9, 2002 - Site was created.

December 10, 2002 - Added Episode II, the story which explains my hatred for bounty hunters.

December 11, 2002 - Added the Guestbook.

January 22, 2003 - Edited the Biography page to include TCON Role-Playing forum revelations.

February 11, 2003 - Updated the Biography page to include my promotion to CFO.

March 17, 2003 - Updated the site to include my promotion to CEO, along with a miraculous 6 year age advancement.

April 14, 2003 - Minor updates to the site. Added a section for the TCON Corporate Yacht.

April 17, 2003 - Added Episode III, the story of the purchase of the TCON Corporate Yacht.

July 9, 2003 - Changed Tymm to Tymme, and added more biographical backstory to explain the mysterious Tymm character.

Contact me at vcc1999@hotmail.com

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