Pennsylvania 4-H Competitive Events
Air Rifle Contest
Club Minutes
4-H Pledge
Club Officers
Special Thanks

Special Contest Requirements:
Eye protection is required!  Shooting glasses will be provided unless the shooter already wears unbreakable (plastic) eyeglasses.

: Rifles, ammunition, and targets will be provided.  Rifles will have peep rear sight and aperture front sight.    No personal rifles or ammunition may be brought on campus.

Clothing:  Contestants may wear shooting jackets or other normal gear (NRA standard shooting equipment).  The use of highly unusual gear should be cleared by the Range Offier (Bill Sipple) ahead of time!  However, decisions of the Range Officer will be final at the range on the day of the event.

Contest Organization And Contest:
1. Course of Fire:
Junior Division:
Ten (10) rounds in each of the 3 Positions.
- Prone
- Kneeling
or Sitting
- Offhand

Senior Division:
Ten (10) rounds in each of the 3 Positions.
- Prone
- Kneeling
or Sitting
- Offhand

2.  Each contestant may fire up to ten sighting shots to check his/her rifle.  These shots may be interspersed throughout the positions.

3.  A 3 minute preparation period and 10 minutes of fire will be allowed for each position (39 minutes per Junior division shooter and 39 minutes per a senior division shooter).  Each shooter will fire all positions before leaving the line.

4.  One team member will be at the firing position with the shooter, to serve as a coach.  Spotting scopes or binoculars permitted.  Coaching will be permitted by team members only.

5.  Individual contestants will be expected to function as teams to maximize the utilization of firing stations.

6.  Shooting distance for the contest is 33 feet.  The type of target used is the AR-1/5  meter, air rifle, 5 bull target.  The ranges are indoors.

7.  Order of firing will be determined by the committee on the day of the match.

1.  A team score is defined as the total of the three highest scoring individuals from a team of three or four individuals.

2.  An individual score is defined as the total of all scores from each part of the contest.

Junior Division:  A total possible team score is 900 points.  Each of the 30 rounds is potentially worth 10 points for an individual score of 300 points.

Senior Division:  A total possible team score is 900 points.  Each of the 30 rounds is potentially worth 10 points for an individual score of 300 points.


1.  The members of the high scoring team will be awarded plaques.

2.  The high scoring individual will be awarded a plaque.

3.  The top teams and top individuals will be announced at the Recognition Assembly during the Penn State 4-H Achievement Days.

4.  Team ribbons will be awarded to a maxium of ten (10) teams.

5.  Merit ribbons will be awarded to all contest participants (33 percent
blue, 33 percent red, 33 percent white).

Various NRA Materials Acceptable for Leader Training