by Vinny D.
Instead of a "scare crow", why not just lay a bunch of dead crows all around your garden, then when living crows look at your garden they will think "Whoa! better not eat those crops!"
-Vinny D.-
I must say, I just had to make this section a part of my site.  Jack Handy's DEEP THOUGHTS on SNL have inspired me to write my very own which I would like to share to the viewers...

-Vinny D.-
If a new friend of yours invites you out to join them in participating in a specific sport which you have sucked at for years, don't be a stupid clown ass loser and say "Oh, I don't know how to play that sport!" Instead, just go with them but remember to mention to them that you were recently introduced to that sport. This way you can suck at the game but "Hey, you are new to the sport!" So it really doesn't matter.
-Vinny D.-
Why did she leave me? I don't really know.  She kept going on about how I have a problem with carelessness and never listening to her.  I don't know, it was some stupid thing like that, I forget, I wasn't even really paying attention to what she was saying anyways, I don't care.  Good ridance.
-Vinny D.-
I would like to be tall but not too tall because then I have a greater chance of getting struck by lightning.
-Vinny D.-
When Stacy told me I had a problem with controlling my anger, I told her to f*^&%#ck off and to never mention such a stupid pussy ass thing again.  And I was right, even though she ended up leaving me.
-Vinny D.-