Oh yeah, baby! I'm back and with a vengeance! Not as the incredibly smooth Vegeta85o, but as the master himself, GokuXL2000! Enough of my ranting. How are you? I'm doing fine. Anyway, be prepared for a new page of untold proportions, with Dragonball, Robotech, Square Games, MP3 stuff, and other miscellaneous crap. That's right... I'm back, and keeping it real more than ever.

If you want something up here, such as your fanart, images, fanfics, anything, just mail me at either of these two addresses: GokuXL2000@aol.com or GokuXL2000@hotmail.com
All I have up right now in the new, shiny form is the fanart page and the DBZ ROM Room. Click the title of the page to enter them.

NEW!!! GundamWing page is up and ready! CLICK ME!!!

Area88 page is coming soon.
ROBOTECH page is coming soon.