How Does Vegeta Skike His Hair Up o_0? Ever wonder how Vegeta spikes his hair up? now is your chance to submit some of your guesses on how he spikes his hair up. Heres a few examples of what I'm looking for:

Melissa:"Well first off he washes it of course,puts some hair gel in it then uses his comb to spike it up."
Melissa:"He doesn't, I'm the prince of all saiyans thats why I have servents. Bulma!! get in here and fix my hair!!."

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NewTrunks:Your ALL WRONG, Vegeta is ACTUALLY SSJ4 all the time, he just shaves a lot!

NewThe mystery queen: I'll tell you how he spikes his hair.He's so angry all the time, his hair just stands straight up.

NewTrinity Breifs:Drugged hair gel. how else is he supposed to deal with bulma?.

Newharrison:I think he gets it from static electricity from the floor. "hint,hint" Bulma.

Newthe genius (a.k.a kimi):duh!!!! he's related to ace ventura of course!!1 either that or when he was born, the first thing he saw was frieza.

Newvegetas one and only:the darn baby woz born with it. anyway who are you lot to dis? i think it makes him look cute.

NewVidel:duh!!! it's naturally like that.

Trunks' Fiance' Jasmint Brief ^*^:DUH! its like obvious! He has allergic reactions sometimes cause a sai-jins nose is a sensitive thing, and thust his hair stands on end. Now if you will excuse me I have to go get Benidrill......

Adam Hezina:1.A sh*tload of hairgel 2.Help from the family

Bulmafox:One day, Vegeta watched "There's Something About Mary", and he saw Cameron Diaz's hair stick straight up from some 'special' gel (Thet stuff on Ben Stiller's ear). He was so impressed the he tried it out on his own hair.

Nikki...Trunks' Lover!!!:DUH! Everyone thinks its a freak accident when in reality he's the one who started the whole boys spike up hair deal. He made his own gel by mixing L.A. looks gel for an easy way to apply, aquanet hair spray to make it stay (hence cheerleaders and dancer's curls, you silly!), and of course, glue to stick it up!!! Man! What an Idiot!

Lamica:It's obvious! he simply looked at the drag queen of the universe(frieza) and was permenantly petrified!! oh... poor vegeta! -_-'.

Vegeta Otaku:Isn't it obvious? His father was "blessed" with this wild hair style, and he was so jealous at his son for having normal hair he made a really really really strong gel mixture and put it on his head. His hair was never the same again...:)

saijana:It was a terrible accident concerning a fork and an electical socket lets just say vegeta was a very curiouis child(vegeta:"mooommy what happens when you stick metal object into those holes in the wall" vegeta's mom:"...don't do that vegeta....vegeta!!!!VEGETA GET THAT FORK OUT OF THE ELECTRICAL SOCKET NOOOO*ZAPZAPZAP*....OOOOO that can't be good"

S.J.:I think his hair is spiking but you know how when eveyone powers up and their hair flies gently upward? Well I think he powered up to many times when trying to get to Super Saiya-jin that his hair stayed that way.

Hakuryu *17 fan*:I bet you he uses tree sap to get his hair up. That stuff is sticky, and environmentally friendly!!! *16 and 17 would be so proud.* Maybe Nappa and Raditz put it in his hair as a joke. Or maybe, he was walking home from school as a young boy, and somebody popped out of it and pulled him in by the hair, and he got so surprised that it just kinda stuck that way!!! Just a thought.

Foxi Roxi:It must stick up by the static electricity that he makes when hes on the floor with Bulma. (Not to mention really bad carpet burns.......)

vegeto:Well to tell you the truth I think it runs in the family.

Princess Kitana:Vegeta was naturally born with it. But if you want an idiotic answer to the question then I'll tell you one. One day when Vegeta was small his mother played a trick on him. Vegeta came back from a battle and needed to rejuvinate. So when they put the DNA in the tank, his mother put a tube on his hair. She mixed superglue, wood glue, gel, moose, and hairspray in one huge glob and plopped it on his head. It penetrated Vegeta's every root and that's why his hair is like that. Sorry about the length of my story but I'm a lengthy writer. This might also answer why Vegeta's mom isn't

vegeta'smommy:His father and I took him to a confrence when he was a baby.The confrence was with Freeza and when my poor little baby saw that creature the poor thing got so scared hius hair stood up! Not to metion the fact my little sweetheart was crying for two days straight.I'm still alive and I still watch him and he stil wakes screaming in the middle of the night then starts wimpering out:f-f-freeza, f-f-freeza, scary f-f-freeza scary, ugly!My poor baby!(Tease him and I kill you!!!!!)

Piccolo's babe:I think Vegeta saw a hot saiya-chic and (as we now he always does)showed his emotions.

Tha Real Vegeta:Well come on now just look at Goku's! I mean he's my guy and all but it just seems like all full blooded saiya-jins have some cold hair styles. I dont kare what y'all think but Vegeta and Goku's hair cuts are raw!

Charles Vegeta:All saiya-jins have there own type of hair style...Vejeta with his short spiked up widows peek...Radditz with his long hair with a widows a mixture peek...Goku with afro spiked hair as well as Bardok...And Brolly of Vegeta and Goku's hair.Saiya-in are known for odd hair and the hair never grows/yet half saiya-jins hair do grow like Gohan,Goten and Trunks.

Radz:Put it this way, I don't think his hair is the only thinkg he doesn't have trouble getting up ;-)

Piccolo:Maybe his powerlevel is so high it conducts a static-like electric pulse within him, and therefore makes his hair stand up :)

Piccolo:Maybe his powerlevel is so high it conducts a static-like electric pulse within him, and therefore makes his hair stand up :)

Radz:Put it this way, I don't think his hair is the only thinkg he doesn't have trouble getting up ;-)

Charles Vegeta:All saiya-jins have there own type of hair style...Vejeta with his short spiked up widows peek...Radditz with his long hair with a widows peek...Goku with afro spiked hair as well as Bardok...And Brolly a mixture of Vegeta and Goku's hair.Saiya-in are known for odd hair and the hair never grows/yet half saiya-jins hair do grow like Gohan,Goten and Trunks.

Asia:I think Vegeta was born with it.I don't even think he knows what hair gel is.

Champion (aka Neil):When he was young, he saw his parents doing something so frightning that his hair stood up on end. :)

Leah:It's really obvious ya' know.Super glue, wood glue, plaster of paris, moose, hair spray...(its all really self-explainatory)

gonzales\;Maybe its a popular trend in his planet. Maybe one way of attracting LADIES!!! (as if it worked, but think again, YES, but its here on earth

Vegeta's lil angel:He was actually born with it, but there is a slight possibility that he and Bulma fight over the hair spray in the morning. That would be a sight to see.

Vegeta:Why do you people care i just had a accident with some hair gel

eye:he saw nappa and raditz doing it

danra:When Vegeta was young he was picked on at training school and these bulies came and hang him upside down and left. The bulies totaly forgot about the saiyan prince. Three days he was upside down. his hair never was the same again.


lauren campbell:When he was little he stuck his finger in a light socket

me:well frist off on the freeza saga when vegeta is in a lake or something his hair was still up. Well in 1st grade he was eating paste and some got in his hair and since then he has been cursed.

SaiyanPrisoner:He had a freak accident with some powerful hair gel

bulma the expert:Vegeta's hair spikes up when he and bulma was doing something educational(well I think saiyan-jins don't know about it)he is really shock about it!!

tienshinhan:Well you see, all the other saiyans on his planet had very outstanding hair (eg goku, raditz ect) while his hair was all plain and straight. so secretly one night he inserted lots of long lenghts of wire into his hair creating long spikes. but in the morning he couldnt get it out and anyone who questioned his sudden change in hairstyle got blown to the next dimension thus creating the illusion it was natural

RanmaSaotome:Well duh.....isn't it obvious? What happened was Vegeta accidentally fell in the Ranmaverse(The crazyest anime in the world where there is a legendary training ground called Jusenukyo which has hundreds of cursed springs that turn you to whatever drownd there last with cold water and hot water changes you back.) and fell into the Spring of Drownd Eternally-Freaked-out-Short-Person but the spring reacted strangly with his Saya-jin blood making him eternally in his cursed form , which made his hair stand on end for the rest of his life.

Trunks62:The first time he smelled his own dirty diaper his hair shot straight up and he made a sour face. Both his hair and face have been stuck that way ever since.

GOTEN:OF course he looked in the mirror and smiled and scared his hair straight when his was a baby.

Grace:Isn't it obvous? He's a cone head!*;)

John:I think he was born with it.Or he could still be afraid of some thing so his hair is still standing.

MAX DUFFY:he wants to be a super sayun so much that his hair stands on end

Illsdgx:He found owt when he was little that he was going to married to an earthling and he's never went down.

Like it's any of your business what my name is...:Why do you even care about my...I mean.... his hair?! I'ts not my fault that I stuck my chubby little finger in a hole in the wall.... I didn't know what it was! I was just a little curious and decided to see what was in it......ZAPP!

Raditz:He just throws it forward after wetting it. I don't even have to do that. Ha ha ha.

Trunks:you wanna know how dad spikes his hair up like that well its a long story well fist off dad knows nothing about hair products so he put 400 jars of gel on it then since his house wile he was a kid had a magnetic cieling and he was waering iron boots he got stuck on the ceiling till grandpapa pulled him off he'd been hanging there for 12 hour so his hair got sorta stuck cause he could never quite wash it out.sorry for this storys length.

saiyanlady2:Its obvious he was droped in the ground and it covered his hole body except for his hair. His mom cept pulling on his hair so she could get her baby out.Then it stuck strait up. When she finally got him out she had ruind it forever and thats how it happend.

Bulma:He his born with it, like the other Saiya-jins and it will be always so. And I like his hair. It won't be changed!!By me of course...

Bulma-sama:See I think Vegeta's hair is like that cuz he was born with it. His mother stuck he finger in a light socket when she was preganant with Vegeta (giving birth to him must have been excrutiatining). I can just imagine: Vegeta goes after Kakkarot with a head but and then lifts up his head again and Kakkarot is no where to be found. "Where are u, Baka?!" Vegeta fumes. Kakkarot begins to laugh. "Up here, Vegeta!" sez Kakkarot. Kakkarot is stuck on the pointy part of the Saiya Jin Prince's hair.

Veggie:When he was little his house had an electric roof and he rolled around on the carpet thus making his hair staticy and the electric roof made it stand up.

Duo Maxwell:well, think about it. saijins are born with this, to make a long story short, his mom used cocaine while pregnant. He got the stimulant effect. hence, his hair.

not saying:it runs in the family because did u see him as a kid he still had that hair stile was still the same ....or he just uses alot of hair gel........i think his hair is odamadicly like that.

none:It is part of his heritage. He can not help it. It is like the rest of the saiyans all of their hair stands stright up in spikes. just look at his father and Goku.

Just a note before submitting I do have the right to change any vulgar language you may submit to me.
Another note Please don't use Caps and don't bash other people around or Vegeta -_-??
One more note while I'm going through submissions I'm getting ones w/ spelling errors in them so just check your spelling before submitting. Thanks.

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