Recently, I was working on a mini messed up pics comic, in which Vegeta kills the Grinch. Unfortunately the files were deleted, due to a program error. So, I was thinking. What could the corpse be used for afterward? From that thought, this page was spawned.
The head makes a great soccer ball for Chibi Trunks.

No stressful trips to the store for Christmas dinner.

Skin him and give it as a gift.

The torso alone would make a lovely punching bag.

Leave in Goku's bed for a Christmas morning surprise.

Put the eyes in Goku's stocking.

Shave him and pass him off as a Christmas goose. Then give it to Goku.

Put on a puppet show.

Send it in to Weekly World News.

Put the tongue on Goku's face, while he sleeps.

Drive through Mississippi, charging five dollars each to see the corpse. $.$

Take whatever money or valuables he's got on him and book it to Mexico, baby!

Attempt to flush him down the toilet, to hide the evidence.

Save him in the fridge until Halloween and use him to scare little kids.

Keep him as a good luck charm.

Sell him to McDonald's for use in their food....

Put the eyes in Goku's ice cream cone. (submitted by Kayru) Eye scream. You scream. We all scream for eyescream.

Give him cement shoes and drop him into the river.

Make some chum and go fishing...

Make the head into a lovely lamp.

Play ping-pong with the eyeballs.

Cut him up and replace Goku's steak...

Light a match and watch the pretty fire.

Skin him and make a rug.

Reanimate the corpse using voodoo magic.

Just kick him around for a bit.

*sings* Roasting Grinches on an open fire...

Just cram him back up the chimney from whence he came.

Hide him in a box. Sure, the smell will reveal the homicide in a few days but by then you can say "How'd that get in there?"

New ones start here.