Ice Ice Baby!
Carrying Case
Cool Linx
About the Author
Names from left to right: Fairy Dust, Starry Midnight, Glam Grape, Snowy Golf Course, and Vegas Flirt
I don't even have to touch the paper for the ink to come out of these pens. If you are a fan of sparkle pens, and thick lush ink... BUY THESE! They are made bt Pentech, and they are the Ice kind. Usually, they come in packs of 4 or 5, and they have all of the same colors with them. I think they come that way because they use a TON of ink, but i'm not sure yet. I got this set from my debate coach as a present for helping out around the room (Thanks Mrs. D!), and I think that she paid a pretty penny for them. I assure you, they are a good investment to make

Ink Flow:       A+
Twirlibility:     B
Ink Color       A+
Overall:          A