7.24.01 - I finally got the site up and fully running after about 3 days of slaving myself over it. 
7.25.01 - Bought some more pens, so i'm working on getting all those pages up and running. All of the non-gels that I bought are up, so check those out. I'm working on the gels now, and hopefully I will be done sometime tomorrow.
7.26.01 - I got all the pages up and running with new pens on them. I also updated the main pages pic to include all the new pens. The new pens are marked under their classfications accordingly, and they are even marked 'New!' *gasp* :o) I also added an "About the Author" page, so check that out when you get a chance. Had my 100th visitor.... YAY! :o)
7.27.01 - My lastest edition is names for all of my little babes. :o) I hope to get all of them posted by the end of the day, but don't keep your fingers crossed. The gels will be the first ones done, and then the non-gels. From what I have done so far, it's really hard to name them all differently because some of their inks look the same. Their actual ink color is the source of my inspitation, in case you were wondering.
Past Updates
7.29.01 - I received an email telling me that I was on http://www.memepool.com so this is kinda the "i'll show you mine, if you show me yours" thing. Go there, it's cool :o) I've gotten a lot of emails :o) I like email, but some sadden me because they call me pathetic... blah blah blah. If they would read my about me page they would see that there are other things in my life too. :o( But that's ok because Emerson once said "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." *sighs* Making a path is hard, but there are some people that make it worth while ;o)
Thanks to all 2000+ of you who visited so far :o)