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Forger Details
Forge Info
Forge FAQs
Forge Materials
Items I Buy

Price Listing

Select a weapon to forge

Very Strong 

Very Very Strong 

1.Very(x3) strong (no element) weapons are the same cost as Very(x1) strong (+elem) weapons

2.If u provide materials,  there will be a charge for success forges as follows
Level 1:50k
Level 2:150k
Level 3:300k
No charge for failed forge if you provide items
*Note: For Lv3 fists, charge is 150k instead of 300k*

3.Different element weapons actually will be different in price due to the ores, these are estimated prices so price might be adjusted (usually I dun) up or down due to price of elemental ores

Visits Counter

Project Infos
Click above to see brief info on the projects listed below

Green means announcements | Brown indicates webpage updates | Yellow indicate pricing updates

First Time Visitors, my recommendations are ForgeFAQPrice Listing on the left and Forge Generator/Shoutbox on the right Enjoy!

*I have sold my account already so please don't pass anything to my characters in game. Thanks.
*If you have time, do sign my
guestbook so that I will know that a kind soul have been visiting my webpage. Thanks!!!*

25/02/05 19:25PM

- I have sold my account together with all my items so please don't pass anything to me in game as the user might misuse my account, just in case. Thanks for taking note

As for the webpage, I will probably (95% chance, use the
Forge Generator to test your luck ) leave the webpage as it is now, which means no more updates will be done. Yeah I know it's been sometime already that I didn't update this webpage... but I did though about playing back the game which will give me the inspiration to update this webpage again... but sadly, each time I tried, the botting inside the game turns me off so I gave up There's no point spending REAL time over a game when 98% of the players in the game are robots... and I ain't one...

I had restored back the top animation of this webpage to it's original form as the recent small change I did seems to have created problems in viewing the page. Hopefully it's fine now after the restoration.
Also it seems that closing the Yahoo/Geocities popups  on the top right before the page is fully loaded might stop the contents (Animations are not affected) from being loaded so it will be a good idea to let the page load finish before closing the Yahoo/Geocities popup.

Meanwhile I will still visit this webpage once in a while to check if there's any messages (In the
Shoutbox) for me. Games don't last forever but friends do

Farewell (In game only) and may you continue to Enjoy RO.

*None Important lengthy stuffs* Read if you free...
I had fun designing this webpage, making it as easy/friendly to understand is not only the main challenge in creating the pages. A lot of research is also done to ensure the accuracy. Besides that, my plan is to design the webpage containing stuffs which is not available on other RO websites like the Forge Generator, Overupgrader so that this webpage is UNIQUE in itself and not just a copycat. Overall, mixing in humour to the Forge FAQ is the most fun part to me and doing the webpage improved my programming language by quite a bit.

Although it
sorta had to end here , this webpage is definitely not complete... as you can see base on those projects that I had in mind before I stopped updating. Right now, what I had in mind is I might (No gurantees) plan to complete the About Page as some work is already put on it which I feel is very wasted if left to my Hard Disk to collect dust but also depends on if I can find the time. There's humor mixed into it so I believe it will be a good read Based on the voting on the right, Forge FAQ is the 4th most popular behind All I Like(1st/2nd), Price Listing(1st/2nd) and Forge Generator(3rd) which gives me inspiration to want to complete it. As for the Price Evaluator (Price Listing is very popular I know) I haven't start work on it therefore the inspiration isn't there to complete it :P

Who knows.. if I have more time I might even do the
Secret Surprise and who knows what?.....Again, no guarantees..... Just check back when you free

19/11/04 11:15PM

- These days I am finding it a bit hard to find time to update this webpage but I will still be updating it  , just that at a slow pace (Pretty slow :P )... Like for this week my Saturday burnt, need to spend time in office sob sob . So I am left with 1 Sunday and I need sometime to relax heh
Anyway below is some status updates on my projects since the previous one is not so clear.

Overupgraded Item Value
I was working on it last week but it met with a bug so it was put on hold for now... 

About Page
On the other hand, I proceeded to do the
About page and it's a quarter done. That's about 25% for you Maths freaks I am looking forward to make an enjoyable read for everyone, like the ForgeFAQ... *My weapon is very very strong! + 10 dmg wor~!!!* (Hint: Read my ForgeFAQ to get the joke if you don't)

Archive News Page
I think nobody is interested on this one... so let's go to the next 

Overupgrader Enhancement
As for this I have decided not to do it as the
Overupgrader page was not so popular base on the page visits statistics. So to those who are looking forward to it, sorry guys. I have removed it from the voting option. Don't be sad , look at the next one

Price Evaluator
What the hell is this??? And well although the Overupgrader has not been popular but the Price Listing definitely is! Just look at the number of votes for Price Listing at the poll on the right side! As my current Price Listing is not dynamic (change according to situations) so it will be outdated soon. It might already be outdated now! This project will be the answer to it whereby you can evaluate the price of a weapon base on price of Oridecons/Steels/Irons and other materials used for it. So go ahead and vote for it now!

*Secret Surprise*
The status/details is a secret or else how to live up to its name?
(Hint: It is a simple secret surprise)

That's all for today, just info for you guys who are still supporting this page. Thanks!

- Added Price Evaluator Option and removed Overupgrader Enhancement Option at the Project/Enhancement poll and Project Info page

13/11/04 3:45PM

- Met a bad bug (Make me tear my hair out man!
) during the coding of 1of the Projects/Enhancements so the implementation of it will be delayed. How long I am not sure but just check back my webpage on weekends, when I will have the time to spare for improving this webpage Thanks for your continual support and may you enjoy your life Have a happy holiday and an enjoyable weekend.

11/11/04 12:15AM

- Siegfried, my old friend in game asked about what Oridecon Research actually does in the
Shoutbox and I have decided to put this question as 1 of the Forge FAQ questions as the Shoutbox is too small to accommodate my answer. You will understand after you read the Forge FAQ. Don't be disappointed by the answer though.  There is a 2nd new question there too. Check it out and enjoy your day. Cheers

Added 2 Forger questions to the Forge FAQ. Check it out here  

8/11/04 1:00AM

- I will be doing an update in the coming weekend which one it is will depends on the vote.
Check back again then. Cheers

3/11/04 1:30AM

- Hi everyone, my in game account will be finishing this Friday and I think I won't be buying any more reload card. As for this webpage,  I will try to update until my projects/enhancement are done. what happens after those are finish is anybody's guess.

Thank you everyone for your support! The
Visits Counter is now more than 2k Without you guys, this webpage won't have go so far. You guys & gals are my moral support. Hope everyone continues to enjoy RO. Cheers 

30/10/04 2:30PM

- The reward for voting on the projects to be done is that it will be done! Again there's only 2 votes but I followed YOUR choice and go ahead and 'forge' out the Star Crumb Pic. So..... how's pasting your star crumb to your sword pic looks like? The answer is a bit different though...probably not what you expecting hehe so go and check it out
  *P.S. Remember to vote and even if you have already voted still can vote. No vote limits! *

- Made the "Paste
star crumb to my sword" picture... check it out here
- Updated some items and pricing at Items I Buy Link

- Flameberge, Stunner, Claymore, 2HandAxe price down.  Orc HERO Voucher, Cardinal Jewel, Broken Jewel and Violet Jewel market price went down.

24/10/04 12:00PM

- Hi everyone, there won't be any updates this week. Just wanna take a break. Enjoy yourselves too. Cheers 

17/10/04 1:45AM

- After a very long time (About 2 months) with just a name (
Forge Info) there and not linking anywhere, it is finally up Thanks to those who voted, I prioritized it to be made since it is the highest voted, actually there is only 2 who voted but I still take into account everyone's opinion. Your will be done! So keep on voting, it's free ! Enjoy your weekend!

- Forge Info Link is up. It's is located on the left column under Information

16/10/04 10:00PM

- No worries about the Oris and Steels as I managed to stock them up
 from supbotters *cough*  So price will be still the same Cheers   Will try to do some updates tomorrow. Happy ROing!

14/10/04 10:40PM

- Ya, these few days no updates but I will be doing some over the weekend (Most likely). Also it seems that Oridecons for sale in market are rare lately and if the shortage of Oridecon goes on, price of weapons base on Oridecons might go up. Of course I wouldn't like that to happen and I am sure you guys definitely dont.
For now prices are still the same so forge while you can! Meanwhile, wish everyone an enjoyable weekend
*P.S. It seems that steels are getting rare too but so far seems better than Oris. Will take note of the coming weekend to see if I can stock up Oris and Steels*

- Updated some items and pricing
at Items I Buy Link (I buy monthly cards too, reload first though so if you willing to risk then sell me )

- Swordmace (Normal) and Stunner's price down a bit.  Orc HERO Voucher went down and the new price for Swordmace seems more right

*Thanks to whoever voted in the new poll on the left. You can be sure I be working on the projects soon *

09/10/04 4:05PM
- It seems that quite a number of people voted on the
RIGHT hand side poll and didn't touch on the LEFT hand side one. Not sure if you guys mistook my previous message :P Anyway it might be because you guys got no idea what those projects are about so I am going to provide you with this link (can be found on the left column also) to see brief description on the projects and... a number of small updates today. Enjoy and happy ROing

- Added a Project Infos Link at the bottom left column above the Project/Enhancement poll on the left
- Updated my new success % chances in the
Forge Generator
- Updated success chances and my picture in the Forger Details Link
- Updated some items and pricing at Items I Buy Link
- Added note on forge service for level 3 fist is 150k instead of 300k on the left below the
Price Listing
- Added Overupgrader Link and Project/Enhancement poll to every other pages.

- Stunner's price up again.  Orc HERO Voucher is about 3m in market now.

07/10/04 1:30AM

- I've decided to do a page (probably within these few days) which will give brief details on the enhancement /projects that I plan to do and also a polling booth (It's complete!) on these projects so that you guys can voice out your opinion.
Start voting now! The more votes the item get, the more I will be willing to work on it Check out the new poll

- Added a new poll question on the lower left below the Visits counter in the main page (For now)

*Small Note: Last week I went leveling and leveled 3 levels during the X2 Exp period yay! So you be sure I be updating my details soon too *

03/10/04 1:30AM

- Yup, as promised, the
Overupgrader is up . Well it's a simple page for you to 'break' your items imaginatively Now you can try see how many Angel Bands/Lord's Circlet/Majestic GoatCrowns/Tiaras (Insert whatever you want to break) you need to "Invest" before a +9 becomes a +10. Valuing Angel Band at 65million, Elu at 70k, and using a blacksmith with max Weapon Research skill, I  tried upgrading a +9 to a +10 and it took me 3 tries (Lucky me ) with total breakage cost of 130,144,000 ! Wait... u haven't count the cost from + 4 to +9! Feeling itchy your hands? Go 'break' your angel bands at the Overupgrader now! Enjoy! Tang Tang Success!

- Added a new Overupgrader link on the left column under Information in main page (For now)

* Note: Although the Overupgrader is working now I feel that some essential parts are missing so I plan to add/modify it over the next few days/weeks (If my mind is still with it ...well because I might be distracted to work on other areas on my webpage and also the usual time constraint so we'll see how thing goes )*

27/9/04 2:00AM

- Well it's been about 1 and a half months since I started this webpage. Now I take a look back at the old one... this webpage really had evolved a lot... Here is a link to the old webpage if you wish to take a peek. Just don't faintz!

26/9/04 10:30PM

- Yeah it's been quiet this week but no worries!
as I am currently concentrating on doing the Overupgrading page. Should be ready by the coming weekend. Meanwhile enjoy your visit Wish everyone a Tang Tang Success!

- Changed some items in the Items I Buy page.

18/9/04 4:20PM

- Thank you everyone for your support! The page visits counter has exceeded 1000! Hooray! Thank you thank you! Enjoy the updates today!

- Added Forge Materials Page on the left navigation links. Now you've got a handy page to check the required materials for forging!
- Added Iron Ore, Steel, Elemental Stone and Star Crumb refining chance in the
Forge Generator  if you soooo insist to gamble did some small contents layout modifications to the Forge Generator also

- Raised the price of Stunners. People are now willing to pay 1.5million for an Orc HERO Voucher! Guess it's due to the upcoming Orc Helm.

18/9/04 12:40AM

- Small Update, added a
Links I recommend page on the left side under Information Currently the Overupgrading page I am thinking of is in the planning process. Will start coding work on it soon.

- Added Links Page. Check the links out! All good quality ones

13/9/04 11:55PM

- Did a few small updates today... Enjoy and happy ROing!

- Added information on making steels (from coal + iron) and iron (from iron ore) in Forger Details Link
- Added
Forge Generator to all of the links
- Added some new items to buy at
Items I Buy Link
- Removed
Forum Link. Please voice your thoughs in the ShoutBox

- Raised the price of all Level 2 Very Strong and Level 2 VeryVeryStrong Weapons. It's a bit too low compared to the chances for successful forge.

11/9/04 4:30PM

- Hi every one... me recently a bit slack so didn't do much new stuffs on this webpage. Anyway my current plans is that I will probably be removing the
Forum as I think it's not very active enough to be worth putting one. Besides there is also the Shoutbox for every one to use. Besides Forging stuffs, I will be putting Overupgrading stuffs (not necessary information) on my page. This will take quite sometime to do. It might be something like the Forge Generator but bigger in size... I plan to expand the Forge Generator too. Estimated will need a few weeks to do unless I am in Hyper mode (and RO laggy) Along the way of course I will add some other stuffs. Will do some small update either today or tomorrow. So check back when you free , cheers. Enjoy the game  

7/9/04 7:30PM

- I changed the poll limit to unlimited. You can vote as much as you like now. Decided to change to this way because some people may have more than 1 part of my webpage they like so I would like them to express their likings. Thanks. that's probably all for today or maybe I will add the
Forge Generator to the rest of the pages if I've got time.. Cheers, Enjoy the game

- Changed poll to unlimited votes count. Vote as many times as you want!

*Small Note: The poll is suppose to be a fixed question on favourite part of my webpage but I accidentally activated the random poll option and 2 of you have voted for another question. Thank you very much and hope you can vote on the question on your favourite part of my webpage too thanks!

6/9/04 02:00AM

- Finally! something for those hand itchy gamblers to test their luck! On the right hand side below the shoutbox is a new
Test your forge luck randomizer! (Comes with sound!) You might want to test your luck here before coming to me for forge service  Very simple to use! Just choose a weapon level and strength and click Gamble! Ok enjoy clicking it guys... took me 6 hours to made ... but I am sure you will like it Now you know how hard it is to forge Level 3 VERY VERY Strong Elemental weapons. Currently only on the main page only. Will add it to the other pages tomorrow... Changed Poll questions too. Please help to vote on the new questions! Thanks and thanks again to those who voted in the last round. I am so happy that everyone who voted enjoyed my webpage! Thank you!!! I love you all!!! Ok.. it's getting late, tomorrow got work. Signing off here. Cheers Happy gambling

- Added a Test your forge luck randomizer on the right column
- Changed Poll Question. Please help vote thanks!

*Note: First time you get success and fail on the randomizer your browser will take sometime to download the wave file so please bear with it *

5/9/04 3:00AM

- Sorry guys and gals for no updates these few days as I was playing RO quite a lot as the lag was better (acceptable la
)... No worries though, haven't abandon this webpage yet (It's just started!) Will be doing some updates later... hopefully game is laggy so I can vend and concentrate on updating this webpage Check back for the updates after dinner time maybe around 8-9pm like that. Cheers and thank you all for your support.

P.S. Update delayed, please come back after 12.00PM thanks

Thank you for visiting. If you have any comments, suggestions, or would like to help improve this site, feel free to email the webmaster at

- Voice your thoughts here!

Forge Generator

Test your forge luck!

Select a weap level and str
Success %

Results in %

*Above Success % include Gloria + Lvl 10 Bless*

VS means very strong
VVS means veryX2 strong
VVVS means veryX3 strong
Ele means elemental

*On your speakers to hear the forge sound *

*How to use the Forge Generator*

1. Select a choice from the Drop Down list
2. Click
Gamble Button (Yes it's so easy to use)


All pictures and belong to their respective copyright holders. All original materials and articles are properties of the webmaster. 
Please contact the
webmaster if you need to use any material on your website. Best viewed using 1024 X 768 or above.

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