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Victim Cause of Death URL
Alberto Sepulveda 11 year old boy killed in his room of a shotgun wound to the back by a SWAT team conducting a drug investigation on his father. DETAILS
Pedro Oregon Navarro Shot to death in the bathroom of his home by police officers without a warrant. No drugs were found in the home and, blood tests on Navarro's corpse came back negative. DETAILS
Esequiel Hernandez Teen-ager herding his family's goats near border when a U.S. Marine in an anti-drug patrol shot him to death. DETAILS
Patrick Dorismond Killed by undercover cop after refusing to buy drugs. DETAILS
Ismael Mena Father of nine killed while crouched on his bedroom floor where he'd been sleeping during "no-knock" drug raid by officers acting on a tip that drugs where being sold in, as it turns out, the house next door. DETAILS

Donald Scott Killed at his home in front of his wife during a drug raid looking for marijuana. An official inquiry suggested that agents were hoping this raid would lead to asset forfeiture of his property, which Scott would not sell. No marijuana was found as Scott did not smoke it. DETAILS
John Adams Shot and killed in front of his wife after police broke into his home while serving a drug warrant. They were supposed to raid the house next door. DETAILS
Mario Paz Grandfather shot twice in the back in front of his wife at the hands of police in SWAT operation looking for marijuana. No drugs were found. DETAILS
Gary Shepherd Viet Nam veteran who had a crippled left arm from the war. Shepherd had deep conviction about medical cannabis, which he used to relieve his pain. He sat in a lawn chair guarding his plants for the six or seven hours of a SWAT standoff, during which time no serious attempt was made to negotiate. Finally, Shepherd and his long-term companion, Mary Jane Jones, were ordered to put their hands in the air. As he raised his rifle to comply, police snipers hidden in a corn field shot Gary several times in the head and chest. Shepherd's four-year-old son, Jake, was sprayed with his father's blood. DETAILS
Annie Rae Dixon Bedridden 84-year old killed by police in a drug raid based on testimony from a bogus informant. No drugs were found in the home. An officer said his automatic pistol accidentally discharged when he kicked open Mrs. Dixon's bedroom door. DETAILS
Rev. Accelyne Williams Methodist minister chased around his apartment by members of a police team conducting a no-knock raid looking for drugs and guns. He collapsed and died of a heart attack at the age of 75. No guns or drugs were found, as it was soon discovered they raided the wrong apartment. DETAILS
Prince Jones Jr. Innocent man chased and shot 6 times in the back after failing to obey instructions from undercover police officer. DETAILS
Amadou Diallo Standing in doorway of his apartment building , struck 19 times in the spinal cord, lungs, liver, spleen, kidney, intestines, and legs, when he failed to comply to a command of "freeze" shouted towards him by officers dressed in plain clothes and driving an unmarked patrol car. DETAILS

Lynette Gayle Jackson Police shot and killed her in her bed during drug raid. Police would not say if officers found any drugs in the raid. DETAILS
Bruce Lavoie Awakened and shot to death as his little boy watched helplessly in no-knock drug raid. Police found one cannabis cigarette butt. DETAILS
Scott W. Bryant Shot in view of his 7-year old son by police serving a no-knock warrant. Bryant was unarmed and did not resist in any way. Police later reported finding less than 3 grams of marijuana (enough for 2 or 3 cigarettes). DETAILS
David Aguilar Innocent man killed by gunshot wound to the chest by undercover agent of the federal Drug Enforcement Administration staking out Aguilar's neighborhood. DETAILS
Delbert Bonar Shot 8 times by police serving a marijuana arrest warrant for his son. Police found a small amount of marijuana belonging to his son. Mr Bonar had no criminal record, and had never even been arrested. DETAILS
Ramon Gallardo Of Dinuba, Calif., shot 15 times in 1997 by a SWAT team with a warrant for his son. DETAILS
Raymond J. Sanchez Father of four died after being shot trying to flee a drug raid. DETAILS


Page 2 Victims

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