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Maximilian Hussarek Freiherr von Heinlein
Maximilian Hussarek Freiherr von Heinlein was born in Preßburg on  3 May 1865.  He studied law and became a professor at the university of Vienna.  He later entered politics, and became chief of the Imperial church offices until 1911.   He was Imperial minister of education from 1911 until 1917.  From 25 July 1918 until 27 October, Hussarek was the chancellor of the Empire, replacing Ernst Ritter Seidler von Feuchtenegg. He wrote the final draft of the "October Manifest" that declared the future federalisation of the Austrian Empire (but not Hungary).  This reform was Kaiser Karl's last ditch effort to save the Empire from disintegration, but noone was interested in his scheme at such a late date.  Hussarek resigned as the situation in Vienna became difficult, what with the city flooded with deserting troops trying to get back to their homelands.  Hussarek was replaced by Dr. Heinrich Lammasch.

Maximilian Hussarek Freiherr von Heinlein died on 6 March 1935 in Vienna.

GWS, 7/01