I love to write, always have.  It seems to happen in spurts for me.  I may go months without writing one word, then have the urge to let it all out at once.  I sometimes think I have way too vivid an imagination, but I suppose there are worse things.

Here's a few short stories I've managed to complete.  They are not actual accounts of things that have happened to me, and may not even be indicative of scenarios I wish to pursue.  I will admit that they do stem from desires within me, and I see this as a healthy release.  I welcome and enjoy feedback, so please drop me a line and don't worry you won't offend me if you say its good wanking material.  I'll take that as a compliment.  Happy reading! (and whatever else)
Making the Grade (FemDom)
Anything but Typical (FemDom)
Surprise (light erotica)
Happy Birthday (Fem/fem)
The Stranger (kinky foursome)
Yearly Exam (masturbation)
Morning Relief (masturbation quickie)