Vengurla Panchkroshi

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* 1-2 km from Vengurla Bazar

                     Vengurla  has a consistent climate through the year with just meager fluctuations in the temperature. December and January might require light woolens. April and May are warm. The period from June to October brings heavy rain, almost up to 400 cm. The temperature during the summers ranges from 24°C to 32.7°C and during the winters it ranges from 21.3°C to 32.2°C. 
Tourists-Indian and foreigners, as well as locals-can be seen in colorful dresses, coming either for a walk or ‘for a change of air’. Many tourists can be seen having a sunbath on the golden sands.

Vengurla Mandavi beach1

                                                                             * Mandavi  Beach                          


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