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10-29-01 10:16pm
Well I have been working on a new site and it is still under heavy construction becuase I ahve had a lot of homework lately but I hope to have it up and working completely pretty soon. Visit Ghost Graphics
Ghost is going back to the thousands of hours of drawing homework which he has to do by tuesday >_<

9-25-01 10:31pm
yes i am dumb but i fixed the links at least i pray i did. If you see any other errors tell em please
Ghost doing homework ~_^

9-21-01 11:31pm
Well it has been a long while but there are many new things that are coming to this page. I am currently working on a new interface and a complete redesign. I will put up all the new links that i can in my gallery. till then i guess that is all. My gallery is the upafted thing. I do have a warning there is nudity in it. It is all tasteful nudity from my figure drawing classes. I am sorry about the no thumbnails but those take forever. there will be some more new things coming up soon i just have to fix them up for the web. I also still have to make some pages for some pics so i have that to do too. It will all get done though. Thanks for you patience^_^
Ghost GOING TO A TOOL CONCERT oct 19th oh yeah baby woo hoo
Dizzy Going to the TOOL concert with me XD
Priest Some where in america Doing what he does best
Ed Smoking any crack he can get a hold of hehe ^_^

3-2-01 5:52am
After a long long time I have finally updated my page agin. There are some more neat things coming and I can't wait.
Ghost Drawing like crazy
Dizzy Building his anime collection
Priest Having fun at work ~_^
Ed I wish I knew

3-2-01 5:52am
Thats right is is 6:00am here. I just pulled an all nighter for no reason. My friend wrote a funny story so I thought I would post it. It is of the history of the spork. Check it out here His call name is Edward Wong-Hau Trivusky the Fourth, but we just shorten that to ED. Drop him a line at Ed

Ghost, Dizzy, Priest and Ed
are doing something we hope is remotly interesting.

2-22-01 3:42pm
I just put some sketches and a computer drawing I am working on presesntly in my gallery. Not much else going on.

Ghost, Dizzy and Priest were captured by Kathy Lee and now are making clothes in Indonesia some where.

2-22-01 11:00pm
I just found some pictures I thought I had lost. They are just some 3D stuff I have done. I hope to get back into it but I won't see those programs at school till at least next semester. : (

Ghost, Dizzy and Priest only came here to chew gum and kick a$$, and we are all out of gum.

2-16-01 7:48pm
Put a new picture in my gallery. That is really about it until I start scanning some more stuff. Until Later ^_^

Ghost ^_^
Dizzy ~_~
Priest o_O

2-16-01 7:48pm
Well I just finished my chibi self portrait thank you very much. I am slowly chipping away at my projects hopefully get a lot done this weekend. ^_^ until later.

Ghost I can't feel my legs!!
Dizzy Oh my god I am blind!!
Priest Man you guys eat that bad chinese too. : : ::[ Runs for the bathroom]:: : :

2-13-01 10:15pm
Once again I have now finished the gunslinger picture. I am currently doing 12 different projects outside of school and with no realtion to school. I have picked away at each one. They are going good. The next picture I finish will most likely be the chibi picture of me, seeing as I am shading it right now. I guess that is it hopefully I will get my scanner working so I can scan in some of my latest lineart. Until later.

Hello Ghost, Dizzy and Priest. If you could be any animal, plant or insect what would each of you be and why? (all questions interpreted by ghost^_^)

Ghost I would be a bird because flying is so dang cool.
Dizzy Turtle, because I could go anywhere and because I am wise with my years of expierence.
Priest Butterfly, why you ask. Well no one ever suspects the butterfly.

2-7-01 1:20pm
Well well, well yet another weekend has befallen us and me with no new artwork. I do however have some work put up. I am doing some graphics for my friends web page check it out here, I like the buttons but I am having trouble with the header. If you have a suggestion send it to me Ghost. I like linking to my e-mail if you can't tell yet. ^_^ Oh last but not least I have the links page up. I did it like 2 weeks ago but forgot to mention it. hehehe, guess thats it. Also, attention: there was a prison break for San Juan County Insane Asylem (in the town we are from). Here are the three who escaped.
Ghost, escaped by drugging the guards and taking the keys.
Dizzy, escaped by tunneling out.
Priest, seen silence of the lambs, well it was worse.

2-7-01 1:20pm
Happy day. I just finished (I think) the line art of my latest drawing. I put it in my gallery here or just go into my gallery and take a peek around. Also I have decide to change the gunslinger pic and so hopefully I can do that this weekend, if time allows. I await your feedback on my latest. ^_^
Ghost Died from overstimulation due to computer graphics dead Ghost
Dizzy Died of bordom dead Dizzy
Priest well lets just say it wasn't pleasant dead Priest

2-3-01 7:37pm
Boom baby. I just finished my second tutorial. It is 2 pages long. It took me a while but I think it turned out allright.
Ghost Funny Ha Ha
Dizzy. Funny Oh My
Priest Funny Uh Oh

2-3-01 11:00am
Here is a picture of my editor here. My other friend got over his Satanic infestation and now his call name is Priest. Say hey to any of us Ghost or Dizzy.

2-2-01 5:00pm
Guess what that greatly anticipated gunslinger picture is done. YEAH!! Check it out in the gallery or click here. Say hey to any of us Cake, Ghost or Dizzy.

2-2-01 11:00am
Two updates in one hour wow, amazing. The picture is one of my best friends, his name is Cake. Cake was infested by Satan earlier today. Here is the pic. If you feel you can help drop him a line at Cake Ghost and Dizzy are now doing something else.

2-2-01 10:23am
Woo ho, the weekend. No homework yeah baby. I got the links page up. I will post a new picture later too, it is a colored version of the gunslinger sketch. Ghost and Dizzy are watching you right now.

Well I posted my latest work today. Actually it is a picture of me. Look at it in my bio. It is pretty cool. I still have a little more to do on it. Ghost and Dizzy were here.

Hey I updated my page. The graphics are smaller and hopefully more friendly. My editor hasn't looked through the page yet so there might be a couple of mistakes. If you happen to spot any drop me or Dizzy a line atGhost or Dizzy

Well I am working on a new tutorial to create wax text like in my gallery. I am also trying to get the links page up. I will be working on the interface making it smaller so it is easier for people with 800x600 screens. This is my first web page so I made it big because I have a 1200x1600 screen resolution and it fits perfect. Hopefully it will be done by this weekend. Also the official name of my editor is Dizzy. Any questions or comments drop me or him a line and we can hopefully help. Also I'll try to get a picture of me in the bio section.Ghost or Dizzy

You won't believe what happened today I got an editor. Self appionted none the less. I must be moving up in the world. He doesn't know his call name yet so we will call him uhhhhh... Oh I know Dizzy thats what we will call him until he decides a name. Drop him a line if you want to at Dizzy

I wrote a tutorial today. So you can take a look. I hope to have the links section up by the end of the weekend.

Hey I have updated more of my page. The gallery should be working now. I am going to write a tutorial later today as well as work on the links section. I guess thats it for now.
Well it took me a little longer than expected but its done. This is my 3rd design for my homepage. I don't know if thats good or bad. This is my first website. Welcome! Have a look around. I don't have all the links if any up right now, but I will soon ^_^.If you have any questions or comments drop me a line at Ghost

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