Clifford Olsen

Clifford Olsen's first victim was found on Christmas of 1980. Christine Weller, 12, was mutilated by Olsen and when Daryn Johnsrud, 16, was found dead that same spring, it became apparent that Vancouver police had a problem to deal with. May brought the disappearance of Sandra Wofsteiner, also 16, and in June thirteen-year-old Ada Court and nine-year-old Simon Parington also came up missing.

In July Judy Kozma, 14, and Raymond King also vanished. Kozma was found a month later but the missing children were becoming a blight on the Canadian city. Police finally focused on Olsen and he was put under heavy surveillance, which ceased after a short period of time when it appeared that the suspect had nothing to hide. It couldn't have been further from the truth and Olsen proved authorities wrong when he murdered three more youngsters in late July before being arrested attempting to pick up yet another pair of young girls.

Though Vancouver police had an exceptionally strong case, Olsen managed to manipulate them by getting a judge to condone $10,000 payments for each corpse he could locate. This went on for a time before police put an end to it, though Olsen offered them a last-ditch bargain deal of twenty more bodies for $100,000. They refused.

Once the shenanigans ended, Olsen pled guilty to his crimes and was sentenced to life for each of his eleven known kills.