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Being Catholic

dove The section of my website devoted to my Catholic Faith and my thoughts thereof. Where else could I share these thoughts with a willing audience? I hope to continually add new pages to this section as I increase my knowledge and develop my ideas.

Transubstanciation - miracles in the Eucharist

Absolution - miracles in Reconciliation

I tried to address a few general objections to these topics, but by no means do I think I'll have everyone completely convinced after they've read my pages. I just wanted to give a few points as to why the Catholic Church teaches what it does.

Good Reading Got a Bible handy? Where you see this icon, you'll need one, and now you have one. Simply click on the icon and a new window will open up to the chapter in the bible you will need to read. Try it here; the window should open up to John 20 – the chapter in which the verse below may be found.

The quotes I referenced were from The New American Bible (World Publishing; Grand Rapids, Michigan). It is a Catholic Bible (I am afterall, Catholic), so if you are reading from a protestant Bible and are finding that you do not have the same books or even similar translations, that could be why.

What the Catechism Says You can verify that my writings are consistant with the teachings of the Catholic church by reading The Catechism of the Catholic Church. At the bottom of each of the pages there will be this image. Click it, and it will bring you to the page in the Catechism (also found online) referring to that topic. Again, it will be in the new window. And by all means, if you find that anything on my pages is contrary to the teachings found therein, Please contact me.

'My Lord and my God!' Then he said to Thomas,
"Put your finger here and see my hands,
and bring your hand and put it into my side,
and do not be unbelieving, but believe."
John 20: 27