Gallery of Galleries

The internet is a magnet for people with too much free time. If this site alone isn't proof enough, some of the "galleries" on the web should be-- Lots and lots of pictures of things you most likely never wanted to see, or just didn't care about. Now, courtesy of Uncle Vermin himself, come the best of those.

The Vomitorium

Believe it or not, this is just one of several air sickness bag museums on the web. And--confession time--I actually find them inexplicably fascinating, and had a very hard time narrowing it down to just one to put on this site. If, like me, you can't get enough of computerized images of vomit bags, click here to go to Yahoo's listing for air sickness bags. (Yes, Yahoo has a listing for air sickness bags. Yes, I'm aware of the implications that could have on our society).

Innocent Inanimate Objects

Images and videos of assorted groceries being shot with an almost unnerving assortment of guns. Truly, what the internet was made for!

Poorly-Drawn Lamp Page

A page devoted to--You guessed it!--poorly-drawn lamps. Again, I find this strangely fascinating, and again, I'm scared for my own sanity.

Gallery of the Living Dead

I'm sure you know the story by now: Due to some legal slights, George Romero's horror classic Night of the Living Dead wound up in the public domain, and is now the all-time most released movie in video history. What's that, you say? You want proof? Look no further, because our friends at Cold Fusion Video have scanned in every damn cover from every damn video distributor known to man. Personally, I like this one, for the sheer effort that went into it.

My Cat Hates You

A series of photos illustrating the thesis that the owner's cats, indeed, hate you. Personally, I found this page to be quite the eye-opener; I am now much more wary around those of the feline persuasion.
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