Forestry Dispute - Simulation
- analyse the ways in which natural systems interact with human systems, then make predictions about the outcome of these interactions;
- demonstrate an understanding of how human activities (e.g. agriculture and urban development, waste management, parks development, forest harvesting, land reclamation affect the environment;
- explain how the effects of urban growth (e.g., development on former farm lands, destruction of wildlife habitats, draining of marshes) alter the natural environment;
- identify and analyse the positive and negative impacts on people and the environment of the manufacture, transportation to market, and consumption of selected products (e.g. cars...).
Content and Learning Strategies:

1.  Divide students into groups of five (or six if you have a few extra students).

2.  Assign the following roles to one member of each group:
     a) Recorder                                       d) Hunters
     b) Arbitrator                                     e) Company representative
     c) Representative of Cottagers          f) Forest Manager
Role (a) and (b) can be combined if you only have groups of five students.

3.  Advise the students that a company has requested to clear cut 20ha of mixed wood forest close to the lakeshore o keep their business prosperous and prevent layoffs. 

4.  Have each member of each group design the disputed area on graph paper (1ha = 1 box for this map).  Have them shade the disputed area green.  Also advise them a lake of approximately 30 ha runs NE to SW on their map.  Have them draw in the lake, colour it blue and name it.  Indicate as well that there is one road which circles the entire lake and connects to a two lane highway at the SW corner.  Cottages form a ring around the entire lake.  Create a legend for the map.

5.  Once the students have completed their maps, hand out a copy of the
activity sheet.

6.  Allow each student 5-10 minutes to read over the activity sheet and prepare their role/arguments.

7.  Debate the issues for 15-20 minutes.

8.  At the end of the debate formulate an action plan (what is going to be done regarding the situation as to make all groups moderately happy) as a group.

9.  Each group will have 2-3 minutes to present their action plans to the class.  Class takes notes and makes comparisons orally.

10.  Each student evaluates their role in the simulation (this evaluation is handed in for teacher review).
**This simulation is best used after the students have completed most of the chapter on forestry and know the terminology regarding forestry management.
Prior Knowledge Required:
- should know forestry terminology from prior lessons on the chapter;
- should have some basic mapping skills;
- approximately 30 sheets of graph paper
- 30 copies of the activity sheet
- 30 copies of the student evaluation form
- students with weaker English language skills may work together with another class member to formulate ideas beforehand, or they could play the role of the arbitrator
Assessment and Evaluation:
- during the debate teacher circulates and makes notes on the reflection and overall participation of the student
- following the class discussion the students fill out a self-evaluation form and hands this back to the teacher so they can complete the bottem section