




This site is a tribute to a person, Vernon Reid, that I respect as musician and as human being. I think  that his social engagment, the way he treat his fans, must be considered as example for many presumed "rockstars".

I had the luck to meet him more than once and even if I was a "perfect stranger" to him , a face on millions, he always talked with me with as sort of friend; and , I don't know if this is a request for playing with him, I need to say that all persons related to him are like Vernon (...yes even the LC guys).

This site does not want to compete other sites "storically" present on the net  like the official one or Carl or Sam's ones (and all the others :) ) but to complete some info starting from what I was searching for on the net and I did not found it or I found it scattered  .



Rome, April 2004


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