My OLD CELLPHONE!!!! (How exciting!)
If you think this cellphone is old....
Nokia 5165, comes with changeable faceplate, antenna, battery, etc., downloadable ringtones, caller ID, call waiting, big ass phone book, all kinds of cool stuff that's so "5 years ago" plus it has aftermarket blue LEDs! --->
You should see THIS one!!!
<---Nokia 11.94oz, a pretty hefty phone!
Comes with battery charger! Woohoo!
Doesn't do much else.. has features that are so... "10 years ago". This thing is a freakin dinosaur but it is real, from back in the day when Airtouch charged 35 bucks a month to let you talk for 20 minutes. How damned generous of them... considering its now 1000 minutes for that price.
Now for the more current shit....
(Yes, it's real... real old!!!)
Tha []D[][]\/[][]D phone! This is my fiance's OLD phone... Nokia 3595 with all the blue LEDs an shit...anyway he now has a Samsung flipphone.....
<---3560... hmm... this phone is NOTHING like a 3595.. can't even download a stinkin ringtone.. so I bitched AT&T out for sellin me the wrong phone and I got this 3100 for free.
My old phone, a Nokia 3100, it's all good, I get internet access, instant messengers and all that other good's a GSM phone. Plus it's tiny compared to my previous phones -->
Ran outta room on this page.. but this isn't even my current phone. I've since  had 2 Nokia 3220s, a Motorola SLVR, and some other flip Nokia. At least my new phone (a RAZR) finally has a camera. Yay, I finally joined the new millenium!
Disclaimer: yes I was fuckin bored when I made this page, so don't bust my chops over how stupid it is, if you didn't like it you wouldn't have read it this far now wouldya have ;)
Note the not so subtle dinosaur background....hehe...damn old ass Nokias