The eyes are the window to a person's soul.
They tell all there is to know about someone.
You just have to posses the talent that allows you to look deep enough.
You must carry an open mind and heart to see that person's story.
I have seen many secrets that someone was keeping,
Fears that he would never reveal to just anyone,
And the hopes and dreams of a young woman who had been hurt so many times.
I have seen the love that he once carried for me,
The hopes of a future,
And the hurt that I caused him.
It is easy to see the memories that someone cherishes so,
The strength she carries with her inside,
And the will of another.
Many things I have seen in a person's "windows",
They cannot hide through something so clear.
People put on masks to cover who they really are and their stories,
Yet most do not realize that their eyes will always speak the truth.
The eyes are the window to a person's soul.
They tell all there is to know about someone.
Copyrite, VervainIris, '02