Characters from the gems. 

Unfortunately I only have a few photo's of my artwork based on the gems available. Not many were photographed and some that were seem to have gone missing. Also it's because a number of years have passed since I made these pieces and 'the gem's has evolved somewhat since then. Which mean's some of the model's I did have were out of date as the event's the model's were portraying no longer happen. When I get the chance I will update this file. As soon as the piece's that are still relevant can be photographed and hopefully more pieces from the gem's can be made. 

Vicki Skunki. Daughter of Kadra Skunki and ex dragon Slayer. 

Bella Emai. 

Kulz Emai. Brother of Bella, who is deafblind. Plus his girlfriend Iska Delzuk. Iska is now Black (not silver) as she does not have any 'demon blood'.  

Zaphian Dragon operating a computer. They are highly intelligent and tecnically aware beings. 

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