"Heathers Script"


The gist of it The Real Ending

Okay, up to the boiler room, the original script is the same as the movie one, but with the dark ending, they were not gonna start filming, until a new ending replaced it.

Boiler room. Veronica shoot's JD. Bang Bang Bang! does he get up? NO! He's dead! He really is dead. He won't be getting up at all! Veronica goes upstairs, and after checking out the gym and everybody in it, she decides the slate really does need to be cleaned.

Her boyfriend, psychotic as he was, is dead, and so is her best friend. There are no popular kids, but that won't last long. She goes to the locker, where the bomb is, and pressed the buttons.

The school blows up

Veronica is dead, and everybody is dancing together in heaven. The different social types are getting along. Heather Chandler is dancing with her killer!

Lamo Kablamo ending I know! that's why they changed it! :> The Ending

Disclaimer:the following was written by Daniel Waters. It was taken from the Heathers Ltd Ed DVD tin set. if there are any legal problems with this it can be removed, however it is here soley for Heather's obsessed people to get a kick out of. It is of no financial gain, and i take no credit!

Heather's and the original script ending, were all written by Daniel Waters. Here goes...................

V.S I'm not sure

H.M You better get the rebel with a cool coat in grea. The prom's next week.

V.S So who are you going with?

H.M Talk about your out of the blue proposals.....

V.S (horrififed)If you say David from Remington u., I'll kill you. Him first, then you.

Smile vanishing, H.M stops talking.

H.MWhen you're ready to talk about the prom in a mature fashion, give me a call.

V.S I'm sorry

H.M I know. This year's ****. It'll be different when we're seniors.


V.S walks into a very active workship

V.S Somebody declare war?

Dennis We've realised we can't fit five suicides on two pages. We're giving the pages to the Soccer banquet and going with an insert for the suicides.

****side note. I do not know who the FIVE suicides are*********

Jenny If we work fast, it'll only push things back a week.

Shannon But we've got another problem. The insert has to be an even number of pages obviously

Curtis Why don't we just leave the last page blank?

Dennis I loathe white space.

Beth It'll leave anotehr page for signatures.

Dennis Yuck. Who wants to write 'R.M.A., have a nice summer' on the back of five suicides?

V.S What about Martha Dunnstock? She's your sixth page, or did you forget about her?

Dennis We discussed this before you came in.

Shannon Martha's not dead.

V.S She's close.

Jenny Her condition stabilized.

Dennis She's paralysed, but apparently not enough for the staff.

Beth It's just her legs. She can join a wheelchair basketball league and make more friends than she ever did.

Curtis If she gets paralysed up to her neck, then we'll talk.

V.s (defeated)Haven't you people learned anything?

Dennis Doing a yearbook is a bitch.

Curtis A stitch in time saves nine, and the cow jumped over the moon. Pauline Fleming's classroom An embittered Veronicsa comes in and sits atop a student desk.

V.s You wanted to see me?

Pauline lights a cigarette. She begins to pace the room.

Pauline Jason tells me you're contemplating suicide.

V.S That's not true!

Pauline The tone of your voice says a lot. Whether to commit suicide is one of the most important decidsions a teenager has to make

V.S You're wrong! It shouldn't be a choice.

Pauline Calm down. I'm not encouragin or discouraging. I'm just saying you have to take a look around you....

V.S You make suicide sound like buying a car.

Pauline I'm trying to help you. AS a graduate of five suicide attemps, I realise I didn't want suicide bad enough. You have to figure how much pain will you cause the people around you........whether it's enough

Veronica lunges up.

V.S You didn't fail committing suicide. You died the day you dedicated yourself to being some freaked-out vulture who wallows in teen angst excrement and makes her sutdents do the same!

Veronica quickly takes a breath and continues.

V.S You should be bringing us to a new level. Make us read about life or at least interesting death.

Pauline You have no right to speak to me like that! I know more about the young than you do! Read my articles!

Pauline frantically rummages through her desk drawer.

V.S Get a job.

Veronica exits.

Int. The Sawyer living room-dusk Veronica comes through the front door. Mom calls out.

Mom(o.s.) Is that you honey?

V.S I guess.

Mom comes into the living room wearing an apron.

Mom Guess what we're having for dinner?

V.S What?

Mom Bermuda pork chops!

V.S (forcing a smile)Great.

Mom (nervously) But it's goign to be a little late........

V.S Mom, I'm not going to kill myslef over delayed pork chops.

Mom Are you sure?

Veronica shakes her head and leaves the room.

Veronica's bedroom

Veronica opens her bedroom door. A noose made of bed sheets hangs from a rafter. Veronica gasps and quickly closes the door. She stumbles to her desk, opens her diary, shoves on her monocle, catches her breath, and begins writing.

Veronica (v.o.) So this is it. Thomas Jefferson said a little rebellion is a good thing. HE may be right, but a lot of rebellion sucks ****. Dear old diary, I've realized violence isn't the anwer. IT was a heck of a try. J.D.'ll never learn this lesson unless I teach him. Veronica places her monacle inside her diary and then slams the diary shut, chrunching the monocle.

Ext. Dark Alley - Night

J.D. puts a chain in his motorcycle and then rockets into a standing position. He pulls out a gun, checks the bullets, and then puts the gun back in his coat.

Veronica's Bedroom

Veronica gets up on top of her bed. She touches the noose.

Ext. The Sawyer Front Yard - Night

J.D. pulls a ladder from the bushes.

The Sawyer Dinner Table

Dad sits at the dinner table. Mom set's down three plates of pork chops and pineapple. Walking back toward the kitchen, she yells upward.

Mom Veronica! Dinner!

Veronica's Bedroom

J.D crawls through Veronica's window. Hanging from the rafter, neck in noose, is Veronica

The Sawyer Dinner Table.

Mom sets a glass of milk at Veronica's place. She is distressed.

Mom Veronica? Honey?

Veronica's Bedroom J.D. paces the room, sweating and ranting.

J.D. I can't believe you went and did it. I loved you. More than anything else in my life ****

J.D pulls out the gun.

J.D I was going to shoot you just below the ear. Quick and painless. But first I was going to try and get you back.

J.D throws the gun on the bed and pulls from his coat the computer printout sheet petition, then savagely rolls it out on the floor. It is filled with signatures of different sizes, styles, and colors.

J.D. I was going to let you in on my plan. My amazing plan. I had Heather Duke do this petition.

J.D points to the typed paragraph at the top of the sheet.

J.D. It's got some bull**** question about getting that band Bigfun to play the prom. That's what people thought they signed unless Heather did some bull****ing herself to get it filled, which I'mn sure she did. (a beat) It's a shame you can't see what they really signed.

J.D flicks open a switchblade. He runs the blade beneath the paragraph causing it to peel off, revealing another typed paragraph. J.D softly laughs as he looks to the paragraph.

J.D. Listen up. "We students of Westerberg High School will die today. Our burning bodies will be theultimate protest to a society that degrades us. Notthing will be the same after today." Pretty concise, eh? I'm mailing this into the Tribun tonight. It's going to be glorious. I'll have a serious as **** bomb in the boiler room which'll set off a set of thermal bombs around the school. We could have toasted marshmallows together.

Mom's voice piples in from outside the door.

Mom (O.S.) Honey, are you all right in there?

J.D. swiftly picks up the petition and heads out the window. Mom enters the room and, seeing her hanging daughter, launces into frantic screams.

Mom Oh ***, I knew it! No, no! I want my baby back! I should have let you keep that job at the mall. I was just afraid of you coming home alone at night!

Veronica opens her eyes

Mom The pork chops! I knew I should have used the microwave!

V.S Hey Mom, why so tense>?

Veronica undoes the noose around her neck but still remains hanging for the sheet runs all the way down her back beneeath her blazer and is tied around her waist. She undoes the waist-knot and lands on her bed. She quickly puts a small pillow over the left-behind gun, unseen by Mom, who has her head in her hands. Veronica wlaks to her.

V.S Mom, I'm sorry. I was just....

Mom suddenly slaps Veronica with all her might sending Veronicna to the floor. Mom regains her composure and crisply speaks.

Mom Dinner is on the table

V.S rubs her jaw.

V.s I'll be right down. Have to wash my hands.

Int. J.D's workbench-night

A nude J.D., holding a family portrait, stares at a sophisticated bomb on a work bench. The bomb is as big as a television and has a clock on it.

Int. Veronicas bedroom-night

Veronica sits nude on her bed clutching the gun.

Ext. front of westerberg High- Day

School buses arrive in front of the school. Students pour out.

Ext. School Parking lot-Day

Students come out of their cars

Int Hallway Day

Typically hectic start of another day actions. The opening and slamming of lockers. Shouldting and laughing. Veornica weraring sunglasses, suddenly darts through the thoroughfare.

Another Hallway

J.D. moves mechanically down another hallway, also waering sunglasses. He is carrying a large gym bag.

Girls bathroom

Veronica tockets into a stall and takes off her sunglasses.

Boys Bathroom

J.D briskly goes into a stall and takes off his sunglasses.

Girls Bathroom

Veronica rockets into a stall and takes off her sunglasses.

Boys Bathroom

J.D briskly goes into a stall and takes off his sunglasses


the hallyway slowly clears as Students go to class. The bell rings. A late student races through the empty hallway into a classroom. Veronica slowly comes out of the bathroom into the hallway. She treads down the hall as though something were about to jump out at her at any moment.

Another hallway

J.D pries open a locker with his switchblade and puts in a tubular thermal bomb.

Yet another hallwya

Veronica peers around a corner to see an empty hallway. She heads up some nearby stairs.

Still anotehr hallway

J.D pulls another tubular bomb from his gym bag. An officious student labeled hall Monitor suddenly appears to whine.

Hall Monitor

Where's your hall pass, sport?

J.d reaches inot his coat

J.D righ here, pal

J.D. pulls out a gun with a silencer. He shoots the hall Monitor in the heart. J.D then quickly shoves the tubular thermal bomb in the Hall Monitors Pants.


Veronica slowly ascends the stairs. As she approaches the top of the stairs, the sight of J.D. dragging the hall monitor bobs inot view. Veronica lowers herself to the ground, shivering in fear. She puts her head in her hangs. The throbbing souhnd of a boiler room generator is non-digetically heard. Veronica looks up.

Hallway outside the boiler room

J.D walks by the firm glass doors of the boiler room, eyeing the pounding generators inside. He stops at a heavy steel door. Placing down his gym bag, J.D proceeds to rapidly pick the lock. He swings open the steel door until it clicks into a locked position. Veronicas voice attacks him from behind.

Veronica (v.o) Now let's see your hall pass****************

J.D wields around. Vernoica is pointing the bedroom gun at him.

J.D Oh ****. I k new that loose was too noose.... I mean noose to loose! *****

V.S Ok, Ok I want you to slowly put the bomb on the ground

J.D looks down at the gym bag on the ground. HE golfs his arms and smiles.

J.D yes?

V.S ok ok I knew that. I knew that. Put your hands on your head.

J.D (enjoying himself) you didn't say Simon says.

J.D suddenly shoots Veronicas gun out of her hand with his silencer-gun. She bends over quivering. J.D walks to her and lifts his gun to her head just below the ear.

J.D Quick and painless.

Veronica swings her left arm up, knocking J.D's gun-toting hand upward. She then sails her right fist into his face. The blow annoys him more than it hurts him but J.D's momentary loss of composure allows Veronica to come in with another, much harder right hook. The blow sends J.D stumbling back against the boiler room window, jarring the silencer-gun loose.

Before he can reach to pick it up, Veronica rams into the pit of his stomach. J.D uppercuts twice inot her chest before throwing her to the floor. Veronica moves her legs scissors-style around J.D's and topples him over. Thjey simultaneously grab onto the silencer-gun.

Veronica, having the better grip, pulls so forcefully that after wrenching the gun from J.D., she loses control of it. flinding the gun down the hall. VEronica pops up to retrieve her gun, but J.D. grabs her ankles and trips her. A snarling J.D stands up, pulling Veronica with him.

J.D You think just because you started this thing, you can end it?

VEronica sees a fire alarm on the nearby wall.

J.D Come on, what cn you do? You really think you can stop me>?

VEronica and J.D make fierce eye contact.

J.D It's your move.


Veronica savagely knees J.D in the groin and bolts to the fire alarm. She pulls it down but nothing happens. J.D hasps.

J.D you really didnt think I'd, I'd forget to disconnect the..........

Veronica again races for her gun. J.D races with her. Veronica rockets her body down and picks up the gun. J.D grabs her shoulders and throws her against the steel boiler room door. A jostled Veronica raises the gun. J.D howls and then bounds toward Veronica. Enveloping his arms around her, J.D. continues to move forward causing them both to careen down the steel steps of the boiler room. At the same time, he inadvertently kicks the gym bag/bomb down the steps alaong with them.

The boiler room

J.D rouses himself and gives Veronica the finger screaming.

J.D *** you bi***

Seething, Veronica shoots up at J.D blowing off 'the finger'. Shrieking in pain, J.D holds this sudden geyser of blood. Veronica achingly moves into a standing position. She gives an astonished glance to the b omb. which has tumbled out of the gym bag.

V.S How come it didn't go off?

Althought in great pain, J.D is amusingly eager to impart technical information.

J.D It's a sophisticated piece of hardware, ****. Norwegian. You can drop it off a chopper and it won't go off before schedule.

V.S Thanks. Now, more importantly....

Veronica raises the gun.

V.S How do I turn the ****** off?

J.D laughs. J.D You know. You know I'm going to tell you. I'm going to tell you because I don't think you'll turn it off. You want to wipe the slate clean as much as I do. I'm not engineering some giant pity party. A mass oh-society-hates-me suicide deal.

J.D pauses sadly, revealingly.

J.D ok. maybe I am. Nobody loves me, and I feel so alone. Can't youi see though that you can see it differently. You blow away the school and you're bombing away all that cruel HEather's-slime-the-weak-and-ugly crap back to the Stone Age. (gaining momentum) People will look to the ahses and say, there is a school that self destructed not because society didn't care, but because the school in fact was society. Is that deep or what? Don't you see, blowing up the school opens itself to many wonderful interpretations.

V.S The bomb, ******

J.D Just push the red button twice. That's what stops it. If that's what you want, baby..

V.S You know what I want, baby?

J.D What?

V.S Veronica fires the remaining five bullets into J.D., splattering him against a generator.

J.D cool guys like you out of my life.

Veornica crouches down over the bomb. A lit green light is next to a green button. Above it, an unlit red light is next to a red button. Veronica pauses, then presses the red button twice, turning on the red light. The school bell rings, startling Veronica.

Veronica looks up out through the boiler room window and sees students moving through the hall. She sees geek Rodney gethis books knocked out of his hands by two jocks. She sees three patently snobbish female country clubbers gather in a circle to exchange pouting facial expressions. She sees all out loser Phyllis Mccarthy walk down the hallway crying, holding the fake note. She then sees a smiling Betty Finn holding hands with geek Andy Wilson. The hallway clears. Heather Mcnamaara is then witnessed striding down the hall. Her head down in melancholic but eerily heroic contemplation. Veronica crouches back down and pushes the green button, turning on the green light and the bomb.

Hallway before the cafeteria

Veronica walks down the hall, her back turned to the viewer.

The Bomb

A very tight view of the clock on the bomb.

Ext. The school-day

A rather majestic view of the school.

Front entrance hallway

Veronica goes through the front doors of the school, her back still turned to the viewer.

The Bomb

The same tight view of the clock of the bomb

Ext. The school

The same majestic view of thes chool.

Ext outside of the school

Outside now, Veronica walks away from the school with her back still facing the viewer. A beetle is seen on the ground before her. Veronica picks up the beetle and moves back into an erect position. Veropnica finally turbns around. She stares down at the beetle. The bomb is attached to her torso.

Int. classroom day

A class is in progress. A loud explosion is heard. Students impulsively run to the window, but Betty Finn remains in her seat. She is compelled to look not towards the window at her right but rather out the door at her left. She sees an open locker in the middle of a long block of closed ones.

The Hallway

With screams bursting behind her, Betty almost zombilike, moves out of the classroom toward the open locker. Heather M rounds a corner at the opposite end, her head still down in severe contemplation. She looks up to see Betty move toward the open locker. They reach the locker at the same time and simultaneously read the note taped on the inside of the locker door. Veronica's voice-over reads it to the viewer.

V.S (v.o.) The slate is clean. It's up to you now. Your weapons can't be guns and poison. YThey have to be vague **** like compassion and kindness. I wish you luck. Pretend I really did blow up the school. All the schools. Now that you're dead, what are you going to do with your life?

Betty and Heather M turn to stare at each toher.

Int. Dance Hall-Nite

A super against black tells the viewer that this is the Prom. A huge banner declaring 'what a waste, oh the humanity' hangs over the dance floor of gussied up, dancing students.

Big fun takes the stage with their band and kick into a song. The video victims (1-4) sit at the foot of the stage. As the song progresses, bizarre entrances and events unfold in hyperkinetic fashion.

By the punch bowl, a radiant Shannon is handed a glass of punch by a very much alive Peter Dawson. She gently brings the glass to the lips of their Baby, which she is revealed to be holding.

Students of like cliques dance together. Betty dances with Andy Wilson. Heather M dances with David. Suddenly partners are switched so that students of mixed cliques joyously dance togther. Jock Tony Taylor dances with All out loser Phyllis Maccarthy. Heather metal gearhead Jackie tenderly sways with Nerd Sheldon.

--sidenote who the fart are these people? ii dont know how much the script was changed, but this is what i got, and its all thats available. there seem to be blanks--

Interestingly mismatched couples continue to dance including Country clubber Courtney and Earl Frazier, Peter Dawson and stoner Cathy, and an alive Heather Duke wildly twirls around geek Rodney.

--side note- is Heather Duke one of the five suicides? becuase the five suicides dont seem to include kurt, ram, or heather c.--

Mr Dawson throws the frisbee across the dance floor to his son Bobby, who delightedly catches it. He throws it to a dramatically entering HEather Chandler who catches the frisbee and gives it to a boy in a wheelchari. She then grabs hold of Heavy metal gearhead Matt and begins dancing with him. They sail by Theatre student Shelly and Curtis.

side note--is it just me, or is this dribbling--

An alive J.D, brandishing a guitar, does a smoking hot solo and then flips off the guitar and runs into the dance floor throng.

side note--what is this? J.D goes Barbie and the Rockers?

He grabs HEather Duke and dances with her, then quickly moves toKurt to bop wiht him. Finally, he moves to HEather Chandler. They do a very confrontational dance before swinging happily into each other's arms.

Peter, warmly smiling, takes off a garter belt from the leg of a beaming Betty.

--side note. How many chicks is this 'i thought i was boring, but im really not' guy getting?

Heather C, Heather M, and Heather D do a ring around the rosy. Various students join in including heavy metal gearhead Clyde, Pauline Fleming, the school newspaper's Dnnis, and Ram

--side note. Kurt? where is he? and what is with the heavy metal kids? can't they listen to Duran Duran like normal people!

As Bigfun and their band build to a climax, lookalikes of the Leaders of the United STates of the Soviet Union ome onto the stage. Their respective flags fling down from the rafters.

All people in the Dance Hall set up in a symmetrical pettern on the dance floor. They all break into a complicated and synchronized dance step.

The viewpoint of the vieer is moved upward to a balcony above the dance floor. On the balcony is a beautifully dressed and coiffed Martha Dunnstock (Dumptruck) she is wailing beautifully and evocatively.

The viewer's viewpoint is tken even further upward to a platform where Veronica Sawyer stands in a striking pose.

She is smiling.


side note. if that was in the movie, im sure the whole theatre would have killed themselves! Scripts